May 4, 2020
Healthy Boiler virtual presentation on investing health savings account funds available now
As part of the Healthy Boiler Program, HSA Bank is sharing its “HSA Bank Investment Program Overview” online presentation, which supports the financial wellness pillar of the Healthy Boiler Program.
This presentation, which is now available, will help attendees understand the unique opportunities available to invest health savings account (HSA) funds in self-directed investment options, which is a great way to potentially grow HSA funds for health care expenses or retirement.
The virtual “HSA Bank Investment Program Overview” can be found here. Before viewing, individuals are asked to register via the Healthy Boiler Portal (registration link can be found under the “Engage” tab, “Wellness Events” on the portal’s homepage).
More information on HSAs can be found on the Human Resource’s Purdue HSA Medical Plans webpage.
Healthy Boiler workshops and presentations are free to benefits-eligible faculty and staff, as well as dependents covered on a Purdue health plan. Any questions can be directed to HSA Bank Customer Service at 800-357-6246 or via email at