April 1, 2020
Staff advisory committees update names
Effective today (April 1), revisions to the policies for staff advisory committees reflect the committees’ new names and remove procedural language from the policies:
- Policy V.B.6 covers the Campus Support Staff Advisory Committee (CSSAC), formerly the Clerical and Service Staff Advisory Committee. This committee represents employees in positions classified as administrative and operational support and police, fire, and skilled trades.
- Policy V.B.2 covers the Management and Professional Staff Advisory Committee (MaPSAC), formerly the Administrative and Professional Staff Advisory Committee (APSAC). This committee represents employees in positions classified as management, professional, and operations/technical.
Visit the new and revised policies page on the University Policy Office website for links to the full text of these systemwide policies. Note: These do not apply to Purdue University Global, as it maintains its own policies.