August 14, 2020

Changes to policies and procedures as result of new Title IX regulations

In May, the federal government issued new Title IX regulations that mandate how universities must respond to certain incidents of reported sexual misconduct. While the University has had policies and procedures in place to address all forms of discrimination and harassment, the regulations precipitated some necessary changes. As of today (Aug. 14), the following three policies are in effect:

  • Equal Opportunity, Equal Access and Affirmative Action, Interim (III.C.2): This policy prohibits discrimination generally.
  • Anti-Harassment, Interim (III.C.1): This policy prohibits harassment generally, including instances of sexual misconduct that are not covered by the new Title IX regulations.
  • Title IX Harassment, Interim (III.C.4): This new policy prohibits incidents of harassment based on sex that meet the criteria outlined in the new Title IX regulations.

Policies III.C.1 and III.C.2 include links to the related Operating Procedures for Resolving Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment. These procedures closely track, with few changes, the process that has been in place for addressing and adjudicating cases arising under these two policies.

Policy III.C.4 includes a link to the new Operating Procedures for Resolving Title IX Harassment Complaints. The new procedures follow a hearing model process for addressing and adjudicating cases that meet the criteria in the regulations.

The Office of the Vice President for Ethics and Compliance is coordinating communication and training for faculty, staff and students on these new policies and procedures.

Visit the new and revised policies page on the University Policy Office website for a link to the full text of these systemwide policies. Note: These policies do not apply to Purdue University Global, as it maintains its own policies.

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