March 9, 2022
Purdue obituaries
A list of obituaries of recent and retired Purdue faculty and staff.
Mary Klutzke, 92, died Feb. 13. Dairy Husbandry.
Joanne I. Kovacs, 87, died Feb. 14. Physical Education and Recreational Studies.
Dorothy Lucille Wells Van Cleef, 100, died Feb. 14. Child Development and Family Studies.
Robert K. Tener, 86, died Feb. 15. Assistant professor of construction engineering and management.
Philip Abbott, 73, died Feb. 16. Professor of agricultural economics.
Bob F. Jones, 95, died Feb. 19. Professor emeritus of agricultural economics.
Janet Sue Jacoby, 70, died Feb. 20. Physical Plant administration.
James Bennie Whitus, 95, died Feb. 20. Building Services.
Russell Nolan Coverdale, 83, died Feb. 20. Physics.
Richard D. McNeely, 76, died Feb. 26. Mechanical Engineering Technology.