September 7, 2022
Purdue Global Education Abroad celebrates one-year anniversary

Purdue Global Education Abroad is getting a little … broader.
Education abroad opportunities are often limited for nontraditional online students, but the introduction of both immersive virtual programming and cost-effective, aid-eligible short-term travel programs means that many Purdue Global students can now benefit from these experiences.
Employers rate participation in a culturally immersive experience as a significant factor that can help an applicant stand out from the crowd, and studies show that education abroad participants have higher retention and graduation rates. Additionally, intercultural competencies such as cross-cultural communication, fostering inclusive attitudes and approaches and recognizing and honoring cultural differences are all skills employers rate as critical for new graduates.
To address these needs and best serve its learners, Purdue Global launched an education abroad program in the School of Business and Information Technology (SBIT) in 2021, with the first cohort of graduate global business concentration students participating in virtual and in-person faculty-led trips to London in March 2022. A second experience in London is set for late September, and future destinations include Germany, South Africa, Dubai and Kenya.
As the one-year anniversary of Purdue Global Education Abroad approaches, SBIT student participation has more than doubled, and new course offerings have expanded access to all undergraduate and graduate business students and alumni through one-credit hour global competence electives, a new alternative global MBA capstone course, the MBA/MSML global business concentration and the global business microcredential.
Education abroad offerings are also growing outside of SBIT. Purdue Global’s School of Health Sciences will debut a new suite of health care-related virtual and travel education abroad options in 2023. Eligible undergraduate and graduate health sciences students may soon enroll in new education abroad elective courses, and the first health sciences experience is scheduled for April 2023 in London.
As part of these discipline-specific opportunities, learners participate in either a virtual or in-person field experience, visiting an international location to interact with local business and social culture. As a bonus, upon satisfactory completion of all coursework requirements, they are also eligible to receive the AFS Global Competence Certificate and digital badge, providing recognition of the ability to employ principles of intercultural awareness and skills in professional and social settings.
The Purdue Global Education Abroad Handbook provides more details, including upcoming locations, dates, pricing and policies. Contact Purdue Global Education Abroad with questions about these opportunities.