Provost event honors Purdue faculty for their many years of service

Art history professor David Parrish, (left), of the Rueff School of Design, Art, and Performance, is recognized for 50 years of service to Purdue, by Patrick Wolfe, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs and diversity, at the annual faculty recognition luncheon Nov. 29. (Purdue University photo/David Mason)

More than 270 faculty members were honored (Nov. 29) for their years of service to Purdue University during the Faculty Service Recognition Luncheon, hosted by the Office of the Provost in the Purdue Memorial Union’s North Ballroom.
“Recognizing our esteemed faculty members is a wonderful way to acknowledge their dedication and invaluable contributions to our academic community — for the countless lives they have touched during their time at this great institution,” said Patrick Wolfe, Purdue provost and executive vice president for academic affairs and diversity.
“We thank these faculty, those who have reached their 10-year anniversary at Purdue while others are marking 40 and even 50 years at our campus. We thank them, not just for their time, but also for their continued collaborative efforts and commitment to equipping the next generation of leaders in solving the most challenging problems of our world today, tomorrow and in years to come.”
Honorees were those who in 2023 have completed years of service totaling 10, 15, 20, 25 and longer periods in five-year increments. They are listed with their department or school. The images captured of the event can be reviewed at the Faculty Years of Service photo gallery website.
10 years
Jonathan Bauchet, Hospitality and Tourism Management
Jasmine Begeske, Educational Studies
Harris Bras, English
Francoise Brosseau-Lapre, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Kathryn Brownell, History
Sabine Brunswicker, Technology Leadership and Innovation
David Cappelleri, Mechanical Engineering
Valeria Chapman, Political Science
Shelley Claridge, Chemistry
Jean DelSanto, Liberal Arts Administration
Brian Dineen, Management
Emily Dykhuizen, Medicinal Chemistry/Molecular Pharmacology
Eddy Efendy, Engineering Technology
Emad Elwakil, Construction Management Technology
Bruce Erickson, Agronomy
Marisa Exter, Curriculum and Instruction
Elizabeth Flaherty, Forestry and Natural Resources
Daniel Foti, Psychological Sciences
Esteban Garcia, Computer Graphics Technology
Konstantina Gkritza, Civil Engineering
Rajamani Gounder, Chemical Engineering
Dmitri Gusev, Polytechnic Columbus
Orla Hart, Biochemistry
Jeffrey Heiking, Polytechnic Anderson
Gena Kenitra Hendrix, Veterinary Medicine
Susan Hunter, Industrial Engineering
Morgan Hynes, Engineering Education
Nastasha Johnson, Libraries
Andrea Kasinski, Biological Sciences
Humaira Gowher Khan, Biochemistry
Tae Yoon Kim, Biomedical Engineering
Jozef Kokini, Food Science
Casey Krusemark, Medicinal Chemistry/Molecular Pharmacology
Ji Yeon Lee, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Victor Lie, Mathematics
Zhao Ma, Forestry and Natural Resources
Amy Marconnet, Mechanical Engineering
Esteban Marinero-Caceres, Materials Engineering
Christi Masters, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Allen McCullough, Design, Art, and Performance
Tim McGraw, Computer Graphics Technology
Silvia Mitchell, History
Tamara Moore, Engineering Education
Patricia Morita-Mullaney, Curriculum and Instruction
Amy Nagle, Nursing
Thanh Nguyen, Management
Pete Pascuzzi, Libraries
Janelle Potetz, Nursing
Megan Purcell, Human Development and Family Science
Cara Putman, Law, Communications and Ethics
Thomas Redick, Psychological Sciences
Francis Robicheaux, Physics and Astronomy
Yaroslav Rosokha, Economics
Darryl Schneider, Psychological Sciences
Robert Stwalley, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
James Tanoos, Engineering Technology
Zoe Taylor, Human Development and Family Sciences
Patricia Thomas, Sociology
Dana Tulodziecki, Philosophy
Christopher Uyeda, Chemistry
Pavlos Vlachos, Mechanical Engineering
Richard Voyles, Engineering Technology
Xiaoming Wang, Engineering Technology
Ellen Wells, Health Sciences
Bryan Young, Botany and Plant Pathology
Wenbin Yu, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Cathy Zhang, Economics
15 years
Kolapo Ajuwon, Animal Sciences
Yong Bao, Economics
Robyn Bartlett, English
Saugata Basu, Mathematics
Alexandra Boltasseva, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Richard Buckius, Mechanical Engineering
Jun Chen, Mechanical Engineering
Laura Claxton, Health and Kinesiology
Tom Creswell, Botany and Plant Pathology
Alejandro Cuza-Blanco, Languages and Cultures
Gordon Day, Hospitality and Tourism Management
Catherine Dossin, Design, Art, and Performance
Suzanne Doucette, Chemistry
Karen Foli, Nursing
Doran French, Human Development and Family Sciences
Yukiko Hontani, Educational Studies
Tomas Höök, Forestry and Natural Resources
Bryan Hubbard, Construction Management Technology
Kyle Hultgren, Pharmacy Practice
Michael Jenkins, Forestry and Natural Resources
Brent Jesiek, Engineering Education
Michael Johnston, English
Todd Kelley, Technology Leadership
Rachael Kenney, Mathematics
Susan Kersey, Nursing
Rebekah Klein-Pejsova, History
Shihuan Kuang, Animal Sciences
Seungyoon Lee, Communication
Peijun Li, Mathematics
Qiang Liu, Marketing
Tong Liu, Mathematics
Chien-Tsung Lu, Aviation and Transportation Technology
Matthew Lynall, Strategic Management
Eric Matson, Computer and Information Technology
Shannon McMullen, Design, Art, and Performance
Monica Miller, Pharmacy Practice
John Mott, Aviation and Transportation Technology
Jill Newton, Curriculum and Instruction
Derek Pacheco, English
Alex Pothen, Computer Science
Yulia Pushkar, Physics and Astronomy
Ming Qu, Civil Engineering
Anand Raghunathan, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Randy Rapp, Construction Management Technology
Torbert Rocheford, Agronomy
Maria Fernanda San Martin-Gonzalez, Food Science
Lyudmila Slipchenko, Chemistry
Susan South, Psychological Sciences
Jessica Sturm, Languages and Cultures
Justin Tobias, Economics
Athanasios Tzempelikos, Civil Engineering
Adam Wasserman, Chemistry
James Weisman, Veterinary Medicine Administration
Steven Yu-Ping Wu, Agricultural Economics
Jianlin Xia, Mathematics
20 years
Daniel Aliaga, Computer Science
Stephen Beaudoin, Chemical Engineering
Laura Bittner, Design, Art, and Performance
Bonnie Blankenship, Health and Kinesiology
Scott Briggs, Biochemistry
Erica Carlson, Physics and Astronomy
Judy Chen, Pharmacy Practice
Julia Chester, Psychological Sciences
Jennifer Coddington, Nursing
Carlos Corvalan, Food Science
Joseph Dues, Polytechnic New Albany
Amanda Farr, Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Elaine Francis, English
Nathan Hartman, Engineering Technology
Catherine Hill, Entomology
Douglas Hurt, History
Kimberly Illingworth, Pharmacy Practice
Timothy Jones Matthew, Physics and Astronomy
Daisuke Kihara, Biological Sciences
Sangtae Kim, Chemical Engineering
Gerhard Klimeck, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Xinran Lehto, Hospitality and Tourism Management
Michael Levine, Statistics
Ninghui Li, Computer Science
Zoltan Machaty, Animal Sciences
Maria Marshall, Agricultural Economics
Sorin Matei, Communication
Nathan Mosier, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Dimitrios Peroulis, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue Online and Learning Innovation
Arshak Petrosyan, Mathematics
Bryan Pijanowski, Forestry and Natural Resources
Rodolfo Pinal, Industrial and Physical Pharmacy
Monica Prezzi, Civil Engineering
Linda Prokopy, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Fabio Ribeiro, Chemical Engineering
Jenna Rickus, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning
Marcus Rogers, Computer and Information Technology
Michael Salvo, English
Anthony Smith, Computer and Information Technology
Daniel Suter, Biological Sciences
Rusi Taleyarkhan, Nuclear Engineering
Lynne Taylor, Industrial and Molecular Pharmacy
Craig Thompson, Comparative Pathobiology
Mithuna Thottethodi, Electrical and Computer Engineering
You-Yeon Won, Chemical Engineering
Jeffrey Youngblood, Materials Engineering
Wei Zheng, Health Sciences
Alan Zillich, Pharmacy Practice
Carla Zoltowski, Electrical and Computer Engineering
25 years
Eric Barker, Pharmacy, Dean Pharmacy Administration
Carl Behnke, Hospitality and Tourism Management
Arun Bhunia, Food Science
Joshua Boyd, Communication
Darcy Bullock, Civil Engineering
Michael Capano, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Timothy Cason, Economics
David Corti, Chemical Engineering
Frank Dooley, Agricultural Economics, Purdue Global Administration
John Duvall, English
Rachel Einwohner, Sociology
Michael Fosmire, Libraries
Edward Fox, Psychological Sciences
Barbara Golden, Biochemistry
Allan Gray, Agricultural Economics
Carolyn Guptill-Yoran, Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Gregory Hockerman, Medicinal Chemistry/Molecular Pharmacology
James Jenkins, Construction Management Technology
David Johnson, Materials Engineering
Michael Kays, Pharmacy Practice
Cheng-Kok Koh, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ananthanarayan Krishnan, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Nghia Le, Polytechnic New Albany
Sulma Mohammed, Comparative Pathobiology
Carlos Morales, Computer Graphics Technology
Matthew Murawski, Pharmacy Practice
Gail Newton, Pharmacy Practice
William Oakes, Engineering Education
Joseph Ogas, Biochemistry
Arkady Plotnitsky, English
Sunil Prabhakar, Computer Science, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Felicia Roberts, Communication
Amy Sheehan, Pharmacy Practice
Mathias Sutton, Engineering Technology
Hong Tan, Electrical and Computer Engineering
T.N. Vijaykumar, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Tony Vyn, Agronomy
Carl Wassgren, Mechanical Engineering
Val Watts, Medicinal Chemistry/Molecular Pharmacology
Kara Weatherman, Pharmacy Practice
Mariko Wei, Languages and Cultures
Alice Wilcoxson, Health and Kinesiology
Li Zhang, Design, Art, and Performance
30 years
Dulcy Abraham, Civil Engineering
Clint Chapple, Biochemistry
John Christian, Comparative Pathobiology
Gregory Francis, Psychological Sciences
Kevin Hannon, Basic Medical Sciences
Harm Hogenesch, Comparative Pathobiology
Wei Hong, Applied Linguistics
Cliff Johnston, Agronomy
Sergei Khlebnikov, Physics and Astronomy
Linda Lee, Agronomy
Jacqueline Marina, Philosophy
Kathryne Newton, Technology Leadership and Innovation
Loring Nies, Civil Engineering
Phillip Rawles, Computer and Information Technology
William Robinson, Marketing
Kaushik Roy, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rodrigo Salgado, Civil Engineering
Ala Samarapungavan, Educational Studies
Christopher Staiger, Botany and Plant Pathology
Paul White, English
Melinda Zook, History
35 years
Ernest Blatchley, Civil Engineering
Robert Channon, Languages and Cultures
Alok Chaturvedi, Management Information Systems
Bernard Engel, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Dean Agriculture Administration
James Forney, Biochemistry
Geraldine Friedman, English
Kazumi Hatasa, Languages and Cultures
Mamoru Ishii, Nuclear Engineering
Cynthia Koh-Knox Sharp, Pharmacy Practice
James Longuski, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Peter Heinrich Meckl, Mechanical Engineering
Abdelfattah Nour, Basic Medical Sciences
Robert Proctor, Psychological Sciences
Kashchandra Raghothama, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Donald Ready, Biological Sciences
Randy Roberts, History
J. Paul Robinson, Basic Medical Sciences
David Rollock, Psychological Sciences
Roger Tormoehlen, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
40 years
Jan Allebach, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Chan Choi, Nuclear Engineering
Carol Cunningham-Sigman, Design, Art, and Performance
Dinah Dalder, Nutrition Science
Anirban Dasgupta, Statistics
Thomas Hertel , Agricultural Economics
Hilkka Kenttamaa, Chemistry
Gordon Pennock, Mechanical Engineering
Julio Ramirez, Civil Engineering
Allan Schinckel, Animal Sciences
Jeffrey Volenec, Agronomy
45 years
Ray Bressan, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Hubert Dunsmore, Computer Science
Avtar Krishan Handa, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
James Jacob, Engineering Technology
Christine Ladisch, Public Health
Laurence Leonard, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Nien-Hwa Wang, Chemical Engineering
50 years
David Parrish, School of Design, Art, and Performance