January 7, 2019
Upcoming programs provide educational opportunities for landscaping, green industry and ag professionals
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Purdue Extension is involved in several upcoming events that will provide landscape, ag and green industry professionals the opportunity to network with peers and expand their knowledge base.
The Indiana Green Expo will take place Wednesday through Friday (Jan. 9-11) at the Indiana Convention Center, 100 S. Capitol Ave., in Indianapolis. Educational programs will run all three days, and a trade show will take place on Thursday and Friday.
There will be more than 75 educational seminars, as well as a training track offered in Spanish. Several professional certifications also will be available to those attending the sessions.
The annual Professional Landscape Management School will be Jan. 31 through Feb. 1 at Ivy Tech, 3501 N. First Ave., in Evansville, Indiana. The two-day conference, hosted by Purdue Extension, will focus on a wide range of timely management practices such as insect and pest control, plant health care, and weed control. Continuing educational credits will be requested for pesticide applicators, arborists and IAH license holders in Indiana and surrounding states.
Event registration is $65 and can be completed online at http://www.cvent.com/d/fbqnk2. A brochure with additional program details is available at https://www.purduelandscapereport.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/brochure-1.pdf.
Purdue Extension's Controlled Environment Short Course will take place on Feb. 4-8 and Feb. 11-15. The course's first week will be on Purdue University's West Lafayette campus, while the second week will be in conjunction with the Indiana Horticultural Congress, allowing attendees to take part in IHC networking opportunities and the trade show.
Participants will learn about several production systems and crops common in controlled-environment agriculture production, including greenhouse production systems, vertical farming, hydroponics, aquaponics and high tunnels. Sessions also will include discussions on business plans and marketing.
The course has been designated as an Indiana Workforce Development Training program that reimburses employers for completion. Program registration is $2,000, which covers all sessions, conference breaks, lunches and materials. Online registration is available at the course website.
The Landscape Management Short Course, hosted by Purdue Extension, will take place Feb. 18-22 and Feb. 25-March 1 on Purdue's West Lafayette campus.
Designed to be an intensive educational experience, the course will cover landscape industry topics that include diagnostic training, planting, pruning, plant selection, weed control, hardscape (paver) installation and marketing. Sessions will be taught through a combination of lectures, labs, discussions and a field trip.
The program has been designated as an Indiana Workforce Development Training program that reimburses employers for course completion. Program registration is $2,000, which covers all sessions, conference breaks and materials. Online registration is available at the course website.
Additional information on any of these programs is available by contacting Kyle Daniel, Purdue Extension nursery and landscape outreach specialist, at 765-494-7621, daniel38@purdue.edu.
Media contact: Maureen Manier, Purdue Agricultural Communication, mmanier@purdue.edu
Source: Kyle Daniel, 765-494-7621, daniel38@purdue.edu
Agricultural Communications: (765) 494-8415;
Maureen Manier, Department Head, mmanier@purdue.edu