Purdue University

March 15, 2020

Dear Purdue Community,

As all of you know, the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve very quickly.  Both the spread of the virus and the responses to mitigate that spread (PK-12 school closings, day care closings, etc.) have an impact on our Purdue community.

As indicated in communications last week, our campus remains open and we will be offering remote instruction until at least April 3. To assist with social distancing and to diminish transmission of the disease, we will be allowing telecommuting/remote work on a temporary basis for all positions where such work is possible, whenever such work is possible (including research functions).  We recognize that some jobs require a campus presence and for other jobs, at least some time must be spent on campus.  Unit leaders will decide which jobs can be performed remotely and which require presence on campus – this is not an individual decision, but we are permitting telework/remote work wherever possible.

If you are an employee with childcare issues that will interfere with your work schedule, please let your supervisor know immediately so we can explore possible options – telework, alternative hours, etc.  In addition, during this extraordinary time, please note that you may be asked to assist with duties outside your normal responsibilities as we transition to this remote learning/virtual environment. 

No central mandate covers every situation in our complex University, so your good judgment, creativity, and smart decision-making is key.

Please note that we are not currently moving to any of our ‘reduction in operations’ procedures - our campus remains open. Each unit is asked to make decisions that permit the unit to continue to perform its functions for students, staff, faculty, and appropriate stakeholders. This action to work remotely, where possible, will remain in effect until further notice.

Your work and response has been exceptional over the past week and there are so many stories of Purdue people going above and beyond.  That said, there is much in front of us and you have our thanks in advance for all you will do during this extraordinary time to keep our Purdue community safe and our University operating.

Best regards to all,

Jay Akridge
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Diversity

Chris Ruhl
Executive Vice President and Treasurer