Agriculture News Archive

May 3, 2021

Purdue Extension focuses on renewable energy education efforts

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Purdue Extension is partnering with Hoosiers for Renewables and Indiana Farm Bureau to conduct a comprehensive study on land use regulations for wind and solar renewable energy and trends related to climate change planning in Indiana.

Purdue Extension’s Land Use Team will survey county plan directors to determine the land use policies and strategies Hoosier communities currently have in place in regard to climate change and renewable energy. The team is also looking to discover factors communities consider when addressing land use policies and motivations for local governments to approve or reject climate change and renewable energy in policy.

The survey results will be unveiled at the Indiana Land Use Summit, a community planning and land use virtual workshop hosted by the Indiana State Department of Agriculture, Indiana Land Resources Council and Purdue Extension on Sept. 8-9. The Land Use Team will also provide a summary report of wind and solar ordinance findings in Indiana. With the gathered information, Purdue Extension will create community snapshots of renewable energy efforts that local leaders can use to make policy decisions and revitalize renewable energy efforts.

“We appreciate the Purdue team taking on this initiative to collect and analyze the planning data that counties are currently utilizing. Our goal is to better understand how Indiana communities make decisions regarding these complex issues and their associated impacts on planning for renewable energy projects,” said Steve Eberly, executive director of Hoosiers for Renewables. “Ultimately, this project will provide local officials with an additional resource to assist with their decision-making process. We’re interested in how these policies affect the long-term economic strength of a county.

County plan commissioners and local planning departments can expect the survey to be available Monday (May 3) through May 28. Survey participants will be asked to upload content from wind and solar ordinances and zoning maps. For information regarding the survey, contact Kara Salazar at

Writer: Abby Leeds, 765-494-7817,

Sources: Kara Salazar,

Tamara Ogle,    

About Hoosiers for Renewables

Hoosiers for Renewables is a grassroots organization dedicated to educating the public about the benefits of local, affordable and clean renewable energy and the positive impact of embracing renewable energy development in Indiana. Hoosiers for Renewables believe Indiana’s economy, especially our rural communities, will grow when there is a mix of energy sources. The organization works to advocate, educate, and celebrate renewable energy and its benefits to communities, its farmers, and residents.  For further information about Hoosiers for Renewables, contact Dave Arland, Arland Communications. 317-201-0084 or by email at

About Indiana Farm Bureau

Indiana Farm Bureau promotes agriculture through public education, member engagement, and by advocating for agricultural and rural needs.  Farm Bureau, as a proactive organization, has an obligation to its members to remain relevant and to react to changing needs by providing opportunities for members to influence positive outcomes in agriculture and their communities. For additional information about Indiana Farm Bureau, please check out our website at

Agricultural Communications: 765-494-8415;

Maureen Manier, Department Head,

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