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Rachel Isaac

Rachel Isaac

2024 Gilman Scholar


Louisville, KY


College of Science, John Martinson Honors College


Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology; Genetics


Rachel Isaac received the Gilman Scholarship to study abroad in the Dominican Republic. In the Dominican Republic, she will be studying public health and healthcare. This look at comparative healthcare systems provides a valuable experience for her as an aspiring physician. Adding to her work with Medicaid and other American assistance programs through the food bank at home, she will interact with healthcare workers at a Dominican hospital to hear their stories and perspectives.

The Dominican Republic drew Rachel’s interest when she met one of her friends from Army training who came from the Dominican Republic. From her interactions with her friend, she became more aware of public health initiatives and the power imbalance that dictates who receives health resources. While in the country, she looks forward to continuing to expand her understanding of life beyond the U.S. through exploring the history of the island.

Rachel serves the U.S. already as a member of the National Guard, and while on her study abroad, she will also serve as a U.S. citizen ambassador. Nothing provides a better way to connect than over a locally sourced cup of coffee except maybe baseball. Upon her return, she plans to reflect on her time abroad and share her experiences through Instagram where she will publish her photos and journals from the program as her follow-on project.