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Andrea Untama

Andrea Untama

2024 Fulbright Scholar


Westfield, IN


College of Liberal Arts, John Martinson Honors College


English, Creative Writing


Andrea was awarded a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship Award to teach English in Spain. Growing up bilingual in Spanish and English, she recognizes the importance and possibilities of communication. She grew up in a Peruvian American family, connecting her to Latin America. Now, as an adult, the Fulbright grant provides a way for her to expand her perspective of Spanish speaking regions to include Spain.

Andrea brings experience to her classroom in Spain. As a tutor in the Purdue Writing Lab and teaching assistant, she is familiar with strategies to encourage student learning, including adapting to student needs and accommodations. Literature captivates her with authors such as Emily Dickinson and Pablo Neruda. Therefore, while in Spain, she looks forward to sharing the lessons she’s learned from reading with her students and community and seeing places she has previously only visited in books.