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Grade Appeal Process

This is a summary of the Official Grade Appeal Rules, which can be found in Section E of the Purdue University Student Regulations Governing Student Conduct, Disciplinary Proceedings, and Appeals.

Any student may appeal a grade by using the following procedures. When reference is made to college and department head below, these words are in reference to where the course was taught, not to the college and department of your major.

For questions or support contact osrr@purdue.edu.

Before Initiating Appeal

Student Responsibility: Prior to initiating a grade appeal, the student is required to attempt to resolve the situation with the instructor. Discuss questions/concerns regarding the final grade with the course instructor. This conversation should be initiated as soon as possible, as grade appeals must be submitted within 30 university business days after the posting of the grade for the course.

Graduate Students: Graduate students who wish to appeal grades received in regular coursework may do so through the grade appeals system. Cases involving the decisions of graduate examination committees, the acceptance of graduate theses, and the application of professional standards relating to the retention of graduate students shall be handled by procedures authorized by the Graduate Council rather than the grade appeals system.

Step 1 | Student

  • Student Responsibility


    If a conversation with the instructor does not resolve the matter, begin the process of submitting a grade appeal by utilizing the form below. Students must demonstrate that they attempted the informal resolution by communicating with their course instructor.

    Write a statement and submit it with all documentation in the form below. Students should be prepared to state in what way their grade met the criteria for appeal.


    Grade appeals must be submitted within 30 university business days after the posting of the grade for the course.

    Grade Appeal Form
  • Important Note

    A student may appeal a grade if they have evidence or believe that evidence exists to show a grade has been assigned contrary to what has been outlined in the syllabus, or due to error or arbitrariness, such as a grade inconsistent with those assigned other students. A student may challenge the reduction of a grade for alleged violation of course policies related to academic integrity.

Step 2 | Department

  • Department Head Responsibility


    Department Head (or their designee) will provide a copy of the appeal statement to the instructor within 5 university business days. After receiving the instructor’s response, schedule a review meeting with the student and instructor. This meeting should occur within 5 university business days of receipt of the instructor's written response. Submit a written decision regarding the appeal within 5 university business days of the meeting.


    Each step moves forward within 5 university business days.

    Consult with OSRR
  • Instructor Responsibility


    Upon receipt of the statement from the Department Head (or their designee), provide a written response to the Department Head (or their designee) within 5 university business days. In cases associated with academic integrity, the burden of proof is on the instructor to support the allegation.


    Submit the written response within 5 university business days.

    Consult with OSRR
  • Student Responsibility


    Attend the meeting with the Department Head (or their designee) and the instructor. The burden of proof is on the student to support the change of grade.


    The meeting is usually held within 15 university business days to allow time for the instructor to submit information. The decision letter comes within 5 university business days after the meeting.

Step 3 | University Grade Appeals Committee

  • Student or Instructor Responsibility


    Refer to the link in the decision letter from the Department Head (or their designee) to appeal the decision. The notice should be accompanied by a statement of procedural irregularities or new evidence, or a substantial description of why the Department Head (or their designee) decision is erroneous or unfair.


    An appeal to the decision of the Department Head (or their designee) must be submitted within 5 university business days. Refer to the date listed in the letter.

  • Department Head Responsibility

    Upon request, transmit items to chair of the University Grade Appeals Committee within 3 university business days.

  • Committee Responsibility


    The chair of the University Grade Appeals Committee will coordinate with the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities to set a date and time for the hearing. Letters will be sent to the student and instructor informing them of the date and time for the hearing. The decision of the University Grade Appeals Committee is final and cannot be appealed further.


    The hearing usually occurs within 10 university business days of the appeal of the Department Head (or their designee) decision. The decision letter will be sent to all parties involved within 5 university business days of the hearing.

Responsibility Of

Complete Steps

Time Frame



Within 30 university business days after the posting of the grade for the course

Department Head (or their designee)


Provide information to the instructor and request additional information within 5 university business days. Conduct the meeting within 5 university business days of receiving instructor information



Within 5 university business days of receiving the request from the Department Head (or their designee)



Usually within 15 university business days of the submitted appeal

Student or Instructor


Within 5 university business days of the Department Head (or their designee) decision

Department Head (or their designee)


Transmit items within 3 university business days

University Grade Appeals Committee


Hearing usually occurs within 10 university business days. Decision letter is sent to student, instructor, and Department Head (or their designee) within 5 university business days of the hearing

Last modified: October 29, 2024

Purdue University, Office of the Dean of Students, Helen B. Schleman Hall (formerly the Recitation Building), 2nd Floor, 656 Oval Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2086, Phone (765) 494-1747, Fax (765) 496-1550

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