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Oral English Proficiency Program

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Oral English Proficiency Program

The Oral English Proficiency Program (OEPP) works with University departments to support international graduate students who are, or would like to be, teaching assistants.

Purdue University benefits from the knowledge and talents of non-native-English-speaking graduate teaching assistants in many aspects of its instructional program. These persons enrich our total academic environment. These benefits cannot be realized, however, if there is a language barrier between instructors and students.

The University's policy on teaching assistants is not based on citizenship or resident status, but instead on the student's first language. If the student did not grow up speaking English in the home as their first language, they are required to be certified before holding a TA position that involves the direct instruction of undergraduate students.

Students should work with departmental liaisons to register and prepare for the Oral English Proficiency Test (OEPT), and, if necessary, enroll in English 620: Classroom Communication for International Graduate Students.

Students who would like additional ESL assistance are also encouraged to make use of campus and community resources.

For more information on the students in our program, see our student spotlights