Category Archives: Meet The Advisors

NASPA 100th Annual Conference 2018

Article By 2018 PACADA Grant Winner: Aaron Harris

Philadelphia, PA the “City of Brotherly Love” known by many, although for me it was also the home of my first NASPA conference. As a newcomer at NASPA, I was eager to learn, meet new professionals, and enjoy the city of Philadelphia. However, Philadelphia’s unpredictable weather made for a fun few days of wind, cold weather, and an unexpected blizzard. As well, I would like to thank PACADA for affording me the opportunity as a recipient of the professional development grant.

“Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence” -Sheryl Sandberg

A quote shared by President Dwuan Warmack of Harris-Stowe University wrapped up NASPA’s African-American Male Summit. In my opinion is, and was, the best session held at NASPA. However, I must remind of my “first time attendee” hat that I was wearing at the time.  In a room full of black males, I felt at home. Thinking back to that conference summit in particular, I would say that the summit’s theme is what resonated the most. Community, empowerment, and the building of a personal foundation.

As a Success Coach, my role at Purdue is to support students as they strive to persist. In many instances persistence in college can be one of the most challenging tasks due to financial issues, sense of belonging, lack of knowledge as it pertains to resources etc., and that is just to name a few. While we could place the onus of students to know, in hindsight we also must look at ourselves and ask, “What are you doing to support students?”

Using data from Fall 2017 to put things into perspective, Purdue enrolled 41,573 students. With 1,272 African-American students comprised of undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. This translates to roughly 3% of the university population.  On a campus where students African-American students are roughly 3% population. Finding a community could be a challenging task. Organizations such as National Society of Black Engineers, Black Student Union, Black Men’s Excellence Network, along with Mind, Body, & Soul, and facilities such as the Black Cultural Center provide great opportunities for involvement. However, the question is for the students who are not using these organizations and facilities to develop a sense of belonging, how are we keeping these students connected to campus?

Ryan Holmes, V.P. for Student Affairs & Dean of Students University of Miami, posed a question, which highlights an integral part of keeping students connected. Holmes, “The Generalist” as he introduced himself asked a simple question, “Who are you?” Immediately individuals around the room began sharing their name and what it is they do for a living, only to learn that was not the objective. Holmes intended for us to share our personal story of who we were and what we represented. Our vulnerability, the narratives we share, and the interactions with students are have a direct impact on retaining students in unfamiliar places. Sharing our stories allows us to build rapport. Our vulnerability allows students to recognize us as humans, which opens up opportunities for mentorship. By sharing whom you, are as a person, with students also empowers them. Students are able to see the resolve you have displayed through early trials and tribulations to reach this point. By not sharing these stories we allow students to believe adversity does not exist.

Speaking from experience, words cannot justify the impact of NASPA’s African-American Male summit; it’s something to experience. An event where university presidents and other administrators removed their titles, status quo, and mentor younger professionals. Providing opportunities to learn, but also providing significant tips for growth and building a personal foundation. In closing, I again ask, “Who are you & who are you being?” Are you here to collect a check or are you willing invest yourself for the greater good of students? As well, ask yourself “what are you doing to support students of underrepresented populations in a place of unfamiliarity?”

NACADA National Conference 2018: Highlights by PACADA Grant Winner

Article By 2018 PACADA Grant Winner: Ashlyn Ruff

I was thrilled to receive the PACADA grant to travel to the 2018 NACADA National Conference in Phoenix, AZ. I was excited to not only travel to a state I’ve never been to but to also begin to fill my brain with new ideas to bring back to campus.

One of my favorite parts about a presentation is when the presenter will share actual ideas and things to bring back to the office. So, I decided I would share with you some of the best takeaways I received from the 2018 National Conference.

Stop one: How Major is Your Major? Presented by advisors in The Major Experience (TME) at UConn

It should come as no surprise that as an EXPL advisor I wanted to learn more about other undecided programs. This presentation was all about how the TME advisors advocate for their program with both prospective and current students. Below are a few samplings of the surveys and data they shared during their presentation.

In 2017, LinkedIn published a survey about the 10 most versatile majors. The top five majors were Business Administration, Marketing, Psychology, Communication, and Economics. Students often believe majors will limit them with their careers so they share this data with their students to show the breadth of jobs they can get with certain majors. They discussed the beauty of PSY being on this list because we often hear so many students say, “I love my psychology classes but I don’t want to be a clinical psychologist so I don’t want to study psychology.” What?! I think we all know that just because you study psychology DOES NOT mean you have to be a clinical psychology. But guess what? Most students don’t know that (another thing I think we all know). It’s all about opening their minds and showing them different possibilities.

They also shared information from a 2018 Job Outlook Survey by NACE that focuses on the top skills employers look for when hiring recent graduates. The top five skills are Problem Solving, Teamwork, Written Communication, Leadership, and Strong Work Ethic. I often find myself telling my students that employers look for those transferable skills and this information helped to support my case. It’s important we share with students that there are certain skills they can either teach themselves or learn on the job. Your major does not have to encompass all of those skills in order to work in that field.

Probably my favorite thing I got from this session was regarding future careers. A recent report by Dell shared that 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 have yet to be created. Just think about social media. Ten years ago, there were no jobs that were specific just to social media. Now many universities offer classes, concentrations, and even majors that focus on social media management and development. The report also stated, “The ability to gain new knowledge will be more valuable than knowledge itself.”

Stop two: Technology Session: 4 Quick Tips for Managing Emails

The title was intriguing but I was definitely leery on what new tips I could learn for managing my email. Let me make this clear- I typically tend to be an easy tech adapter but I can sometimes be stuck in my ways. I’m sure some of you super tech-savvy people will read this and think, “Ashlyn….this is so obvious!” but I’m hopeful a few of you are just like me and will get something out of these tips.

Tip 1– Use your email signature. I know, I know. You’re all thinking you already do this. Well, do you have some emails that you feel like you always get from students? Maybe like, “how do I find my pin?!” Consider using your emails signature feature to actually create the email (with you signature already on it) so you can quickly send it to students. The only downside is you cannot have more than one signature. So, what happens if a student asks you a few of those common questions? Read on….

Tip 2– Use Quick Parts in Outlook. I have never heard of Quick Parts so I was already pleased with this session. Quick Parts is predefined text that you can add to a message in Outlook. It’s similar to the concept with the signature but you can add several Quick Parts in to one message. ( )

Tip 3– Use Quick Steps in Outlook. Yet another thing I wasn’t familiar with. Quick Steps is for the repetitive things you do in Outlook. (

Tip 4– Use Email Rules. This is one of my favorite things to use in Outlook. Don’t want all of your emails to flood your inbox? Use Email Rules and send those emails to another folder in your inbox. ( )

One bonus idea the presenter provided was to use “delayed delivery” when sending emails. I’m a sucker for getting to work early, checking email at home, and sometimes responding to students right away. The downside? Students then expect that type of response all of the time. An easy way to fix that is to use the delay delivery feature. The email will send at the time you schedule delivery so students won’t always expect you to respond immediately. ( )

Our final stop: Developing a “College Mindset” Through First Year Seminar

Think about your current students. What’s their mindset during their first semester? It’s possible they are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, worried about passing classes, feeling the burden of all the expectations everyone has on them.

The presenter shared what they consider the trifecta of a college mindset: growth mindset, grit, and resilience. We watched some videos regarding each of these areas. There was one thing I especially loved in the growth mindset video- your brain will grow when you do something wrong and you work to figure things out. You’ll explore, learn, and grow. Students won’t think of failure as an opportunity. Students will often have that fixed mindset when failure happens.

So how can we help students see the opportunity in failure? An activity the presenter provided was Real-Time Resilience. The presenter shared this takes challenging beliefs, puts it in to perspective, and packages in a way that’s immediately useful.

They ask the students to think of the following after they’ve identified their “crisis” or “failure”:

    1. Alternative- A more accurate was of seeing this is…
    1. Evidence- That’s not true because….
  1. Implications- A more likely out is…and I can…to deal with it.

Here’s an example. A student says to you, “I’m not as smart as my friends because I’m not good at X (insert subject or major).” The student then needs to reflect on each of the areas.

    1. Alternative- It’s ok that I’m not good at X because I’m good at Y (insert subject or major).
    1. Evidence- X isn’t the standard of being smart.
  1. Implications- I’m just as smart. I’m enjoying my studies and I’m doing well in Y.

Having a growth mindset looks at one event and its challenges and how they can grow from it, but it does not destroy a student’s identity. Whereas a fixed mindset immediately causes a student to immediately think about their identity and what’s wrong with ME.

Overall, the 2018 National Conference provided a great variety of sessions. I love how energized and excited I feel after learning from others around the states!

PACADA Fall Retreat Itinerary 2018

**Schedule Subject to Change**

Time Title  Description



Registration Check-in, Light Breakfast (Coffee, Donuts, Bagels, etc.)


Welcome & Committee Updates


Plenary Session


The Dynamic Student Development Metatheodel (DSDM): A Framework for Improving College Student Growth, Learning, and Development

Read more here



Block 1 –  Breakout Sessions

Block 1 Session Options:

Supplemental Advisors Panel | The Pipeline | Mindfulness | Challenging Conversations & Communicating Across Difference

Read more here


Purdue Team Trivia



Lunch Activities:

Yard Games | Board Games | Phenotyping Facility Tour (12:15 p.m. start)


Block 2 –  Breakout Sessions

Block 2 Session Options:

Women in Leadership Panel | Gains and Losses in College Student Development | Operationalizing the DSDM | Students’ App Usage

Read more here


Block 3 –  Breakout Sessions

Block 3 Session Options:

Risky Business: Student Behaviors & Legal Issues | Diversity of Majorities Panel | Awareness Briefing: Hidden Biases of Good People, part one | Yoga

Read more here


Block 4 –  Breakout Sessions

Block 4 Session Options

Mental Health Panel | Generation Z/iGen | Awareness Briefing: Hidden Biases of Good People, part two (must attend part one) | Tai Chi

Read more here


Closing & Raffle Drawing

Are you already a PACADA member and want to attend the retreat? Please fill out this survey by 12pm on September 14th, 2018.

Not a member? Register here.

NACADA – 41st Annual Conference – St. Louis

Pat George was a recipient of a PACADA Professional Development Grant for the 2017 year. He used his funds to attend the NACADA Annual Conference in St. Louis, MO. See below for more information about his experience!

Article By: Pat George

There are many familiar words associated with St. Louis. Three that come to mind are gateway, arch, and Cardinals (sorry Cubs fans). However, during October 11-14, 2017, NACADA was all the buzz at America’s Center in downtown St. Louis.

I was fortunate to receive a PACADA professional development grant to attend this conference, and I was equally privileged to attend with some of my office colleagues who I believe are some of the most dedicated and caring advisors on this campus. Our Senior Associate Dean, Dr. Holly Mason, supports our Office of Student Services in the College of Pharmacy in numerous ways, and my colleagues and I benefit tremendously from his confidence and conviction.

Speaking of conviction, I am reporting on what I thought was one of the most intriguing and bold sessions at this conference, “The Problems and Promise of Big Data in Advising.” Kudos to NACADA and the selection committee for allowing this proposal to become a reality. It could have easily been passed over due to its subject matter and outcomes that challenge a service retailed by one of the main sponsors of the conference.

Adrienne Sewell, Director of Advising for Retention and Sophomore Initiatives at Indiana University Bloomington provoked thought and insight regarding the academe’s infatuation with big data. “When it comes to data, we aren’t always sure what we are looking at,” stated Sewell. She continued, “Expectations are that we will be able to search like Google® and make recommendations like Netflix®. Big Data can solve anything!”

Sewell stated, “Predictive analytics, data mining, and pattern recognition are now common terms in our digital world, and they promise to practically solve any problem. Looking back at our past Presidential election, it appears Big Data missed the mark as some of the most sophisticated predictive analytics tools in the world were all but certain of the outcome of the election.”

I was fascinated by her explanation of the evolution of computer programming. She explained that initially, computers were programmed by people. Programmers looked at data and made a hypothesis. Today, we are teaching computers the ability to learn without being programmed – to not only have the logic to answer questions, but to create the questions. A couple of examples are Netflix® which predicts what you would like to watch and our smart phones learning about us through typos, voice recognition, routes on GPS, etc.

How does this impact advising? Sewell referenced an article from the Chronicle of Higher Education as saying old- school advising is about who appears in front of you – it’s very limited. New-school advising is using predictive analytics to target a specific group. But is this true?

Sewell argued, “Our responsibility as advisors is to make sure we monitor how well the system is working. Keep good records of any errors (screen shots are ideal) and when systems are developed or enhanced, make sure we are advocates for advisor input/testing. Recognize that not all predictions have equal accuracy. Big data makes predictions for all students which leads to false-positives because it must select an answer.” She quoted Baer and Norris (2013) asserting analytics is only one piece in a student success system. It requires commitment to persistent, personalized actions, and interventions to improve student success guided by analytics-based insights.

Sewell concluded by asking us to ponder these questions: When do our data points become ethical issues? What about economic background, financial need, race, etc.? Can assessing risk become a self-fulfilling prophecy? She followed with acknowledging that data can help answer questions, describe/discover a pattern, figure out students to reach out to, but we must continually adjust and use data wisely because approaches matter and data alone won’t save us.


PACADA Retreat 2017 Tentative Itinerary

**Schedule Subject to Change**

Time Title  Description
8:00am-8:30am Check-In Registration Check-in, Light Breakfast (Coffee, Donuts, Bagels, etc.)
8:30am-8:45am Opening – 30th Anniversary Kickoff Welcome, Intro 30th Anniversary Items, News Reels, Recognizing Membership Activity
8:45am-9:15am Family Feud Fun Activity For All!
9:20am-9:50am Founders Panel 30th Anniversary Founding Members Panel
10:00am-10:50am Block #1 See Below
11:00am-11:30am PACADA Recruiting/Business Reports 30th Anniversary Edition; State of the Association &  Committee Reports
11:30am-1:00pm Lunch and Social Activities Honey Baked Ham Lunches, Outside Games, Board Game Room,
Tour of Phenotyping Facility, Yoga/Zumba
1:00pm-1:50pm Block #2 See Below
2:00pm-2:50pm Block #3 See Below
3:00pm-4:00pm Keynote Dr. Tim Elmore
4:00pm-4:30pm Closing Celebration Cake, Door Prizes, Final Remarks

Learning Community Instructor Awards

PACADA members were once again well-represented at the Learning Community Instructor luncheon where awardees for the 2016-2017 academic year were recognized. The list of award winners can be found below with PACADA members identified in bold text. Congratulations all of the award winners, especially our outstanding PACADA members!


Advocate Award – Awarded to Learning Community Instructors who have been nominated by their students for displaying a commitment to learning, exceptional involvement within the Learning Community, and providing opportunities for connection outside of the classroom.

  • Katherine Chartier
  • Michelle Mullen
  • Bill Oakes

Exceptional Event Planner – Awarded to those LCIs who plan events that are engaging, exciting, and integral to student learning and development during their first semester here at Purdue.

  • Aviation – Todd Brewer, Brian Stirm
  • Global Science Partnerships – Laura Starr, Terry Ham
  • Environmental Sciences – Michael Mashtare

Academic Connection – Awarded to LCIs who plan events and activities that directly connect classroom learning with hands-on experiences.

  • The Nature of Wild Things – Julie Pluimer, Robert K. Swihart, Linda Prokopy, Jeff Dukes, Reuben Goforth
  • EPICS – Bill Oakes, Sarah El-Azab, Beth Wilson, Priya Sirohi, Elizabeth Boyle, Carla Zoltowski

Student Impact – Awarded to LCIs who have demonstrated exceptional success in connecting students to peers, faculty and professional staff, campus resources, and the community at large.

  • Explorers – Jennifer McDonald, Mandy Chalk, Margaret Sheble, McKinley Murphy, Danielle Corple, Beth Jones
  • Exploratory Studies Purdue Promise – Rachel Ravellette, Cara Wetzel, Jessica Ramsey
  • Exploring Business Majors – Scott Vana
  • Exploratory Scholars – Kylie Geiman, Colleen Brown
  • Exploratory Studies Honors – Mary Beth Lencke
  • Agriculture Technology and Innovation – Dennis Buckmaster, Amy Jones
  • Nursing Nexus – Sandra Kuebler, Laura Curry

Real-World Experience – Awarded to LCIs who plan events and activities that offer introductions to various opportunities within their respective academic fields.

  • Engineering for the Planet – Inez Hua
  • Dietetics – Rachel Clark, Dinah Dalder, Mridul Datta, Lisa Graves, Donna Zoss, Kathleen Hill Gallant

Introducing the PACADA PIN Pushers

By Danielle Gilbert

Images by Kendra Larimer, CGT student

The PACADA PIN Pushers just finished week 19 of their bowling season and are currently placed seventh out of eighteen Purdue teams. The team came about after captains Ashley Maloff and Holly Englert bowled in separate leagues the year prior. They thought it would be a fun way to get advisors together for networking and comradery outside of work.

Along with Ashley and Holly, the roster includes PACADA members Sarah Allard, Mandy Chalk, Emily Del Real, Danielle Gilbert, Melissa Law-Penrose, Brandi Moorman, Cynthia Quillen, and Elizabeth Watts. They are also joined by guests Jeff Englert and Nick Gonzalez, as partners and spouses are also welcome. The PIN Pushers bowl against such teams as Spoiler Makers, The PurDudes, Split Happens, The Bowlermakers, Wish I Cud Bowl, and more. The PIN Pushers’ name is more of an inside joke amongst the advising/student services community, as the pun is lost on most others. The bowlers rotate, some bowling every other week, others once a month. They are having a great season so far. Gotta love that handicap! If you’re interested in being a sub, please contact Holly or Ashley.

Here’s what the PIN Pushers have to say about their experience so far:

Stay tuned for a possible PACADA summer softball league.

Just In: President Daniels Observes Advising Appointment

By Audrey Cowling

Purdue President Mitch Daniels, an honorary PACADA member, observed an advising appointment in the College of Science on October 18. Jamie Linville, former Academic Advisor in Computer Science, brought up the idea of President Daniels shadowing an advising appointment during the fall 2016 PACADA Retreat in September.

The appointment that President Daniels observed was a spring 2017 registration meeting between Jamie and one of her advisees, Paul Krivacka, who was told before the appointment that President Daniels would be there. Paul is a freshman at Purdue studying Computer Science. He is also a Presidential Scholar and member of the Honors College. During the appointment, Jamie and Paul discussed a number of topics, including spring course selection, degree requirements, experiential learning opportunities, study abroad, and graduate school. At the end of the appointment, President Daniels asked Jamie about the advising role and what it entails and also took the time to learn more about Paul. Upon asking where Paul is from, he found out that they are both from Tennessee.

Paul had positive things to say about President Daniels’ visit: “I thought it was very cool of him to come to my appointment; it really shows that he wants to be involved in the college at every level.” He stated that he is a fan of how President Daniels “goes outside and gets to know the campus and people firsthand rather than only reading about it in reports at his desk.” Paul said that President Daniels was genuinely interested in student life, asking Paul about living in the new Honors Residence, his study abroad plans, classes he is taking, and the registration process as a whole. Paul stated that President Daniels “seemed to care about students as individuals…wanting to know what could be improved upon and if I personally had any problems or issues.”

President Daniels said in a statement that he found the experience “enjoyable and illuminating” and that he “came away reassured that, regardless of heavy caseloads, our students are getting individual and personalized attention.” He added that “despite what seemed an overly complex set of requirements and options, Jamie and her advisee still managed to build an academically engaging schedule that will also keep the student on track to graduate in four years.”

The PACADA Communications & Connections Committee would like to thank President Daniels for taking the time to learn more about the role of advisors. We would also like to thank Jamie for initiating this important dialogue, and Paul for sharing his experience.

Molly Gilbert In the Spotlight: Purdue Today


This week, Purdue Today will offer short profiles of Purdue faculty, staff and students who are making a difference by volunteering at a United Way agency or program. Today, Purdue Today is featuring Molly Gilbert, senior academic advisor in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, who volunteers at Right Steps Child Development Centers, which offers early care and education, after-school care, and educational trainings, technical assistance and workshops on child development through The Child Care Resource Network.

How long have you worked at Purdue?

Five years, started in August 2011.

How long have you volunteered with Right Steps Child Development Centers?

I have volunteered for three years, starting in fall 2013.

How did you get involved with Right Steps?

Two former co-workers were members of the board, and the organization had decided to hold a 5K walk/run as its big fundraiser in 2014.  Before coming to Purdue, I was director of a camp for children with cancer, and we organized a 5K fundraiser each year. Knowing my history, my co-workers asked me to sit on the Right Steps Run planning committee. I have been involved ever since and even send our son to one of the centers!

What does your volunteer work with the group entail?

My involvement has grown over the years. I have been active in the planning process for the annual Right Steps Run 5K/10K, now in its fourth year. We meet regularly to plan the race from picking a date all the way to race day in April.  I have also recently joined the board for the organization, where we monitor and establish organizational policies and make decisions for the good of the organization.

Why did you decide to volunteer?

I am a huge believer in education, from birth through higher ed, and unfortunately there are a lot of children who do not receive quality child care and are starting their formal education behind many of their peers. One of the things Right Steps offers is four early care and education centers that operate on a sliding fee scale. This allows access to quality child care and education for families of all income levels. Right Steps believes that all children deserve quality child care and early education, and they work to make it available to the youth in Tippecanoe County. I am excited to be a part of that and to put my heart and soul into something so important. So when asked to help, I didn’t think twice about it.

What would you like to tell someone who is considering volunteering at a United Way agency?

Do it! United Way agencies are all working towards a common goal — to create change that will make our community better.  It’s a pretty amazing feeling to know you are volunteering for an organization that is making such an impact in your local community.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I am in a unique position because not only do I volunteer, but I am also a parent of a Right Steps child. I am in a center every day and get to see the impact the organization is having on our community. Children who may otherwise not be receiving early education are excelling socially and academically (and even getting regular health screenings!).  It is very rewarding to be a part of something like that.

We are always accepting volunteers. If anyone is interested in finding out more, they can contact me at

 How to help

The United Way of Greater Lafayette lists volunteer opportunities online on its Volunteer Center page.

Faculty, staff and retirees also may contribute to the Purdue United Way Campaign by going online and logging into the ePledge system. Donors can choose among several methods — payroll deduction, one-time credit card donation or recurring monthly donations, or by check.

Rita Baker and Nancy Kester Recipients of Special Boilermaker Award

Special Boilermaker AwardCongratulations to Rita Baker and Nancy Kester for winning the 2016 Special Boilermaker Award! The Special Boilermaker Award was established in 1981 to recognize members of the Purdue faculty or staff who have contributed significantly to the quality of life and/or the betterment of the educational experience for a substantial number of Purdue students.

Rita earned her undergraduate and master’s degree from Purdue University, and has been an academic advisor at Purdue since 1985.

“The best part about being an academic advisor at Purdue University is that the position requires talking with and getting to know great people. Can anyone ask for a better job description?”

See a story written about Rita in the Brazil Times, Rita’s hometown newspaper.

Nancy also earned her undergraduate and master’s degree from Purdue University. After serving as Purdue’s Assistant Volleyball coach for seventeen years, she became an advisor for Health and Kinesiology in 1995.

“I love meeting with students one on one, hearing about the exciting things they are doing on campus, in the classroom, and in the community or on study abroad trips, helping them navigate college and resources, and guiding them in developing a plan of study that will help them fulfill their personal and career goals.”

Take a look at historical winners to find more PACADA members.

Also pictured above: Chemistry professor and Special Boilermaker recipient Marcy Towns.

Written by Danielle Gilbert

Sue Aufderheide in the Spotlight: Purdue Today


Susan Aufderheide has guided the Exploratory Studies program at Purdue for more than 16 years. She also has been a professor in Physical Education and Health and Recreations Studies, an academic advisor in the College of Liberal Arts and director of academic support services in Intercollegiate Athletics.

What is Exploratory Studies and what is your role as director?

Exploratory Studies is a program that helps students discover the major that best reflects their interests, skills and abilities. With the guidance of our advisors, students are given the luxury of a non-pressured environment to explore their own interests, skills and abilities while exploring the over 200 majors at Purdue.

Each student is assigned to an experienced academic advisor who is familiar with all Purdue colleges/schools and degree programs. A course schedule is created for each student specifically tailored to their interests, skills and abilities, allowing them to fulfill general requirements, while exploring all that Purdue has to offer. A student can stay in Exploratory Studies for two years, but can declare a major at any time during those four semesters.

As director I am responsible for the strategic direction of the department and the implementation of its programs and services. I provide expertise, mentor staff and advocate across campus for the needs of the exploratory population. I also advise my own subset of exploratory students and teach a mandatory course for our students called Academic and Career Planning.

What is your favorite part of your work?

Working one-on-one with students. As an advising administrator, I believe deeply in serving both as an academic advisor and an instructor of our Academic and Career Planning course. I feel I am a much more effective leader if I experience firsthand the joys and frustrations my staff sees on a daily basis.

Does this program help students save money?

When students come into Exploratory Studies, they begin taking coursework that spans all of the majors they are considering. Once they decide which direction to pursue, they have already taken many of the courses they would need for that major.  They are well on their way to completing their degree in four years. If a student comes in decided and then makes a 180-degree major change, there is a good chance they have not taken the appropriate courses for their new major. This adds time and money to completing their degree.

What would you tell incoming freshmen about the program? 

Exploratory Studies is the place to begin you college career. Nationally 80 percent of all college students change their majors at least once. We give you time to explore the over 200 majors on campus while keeping you on track to graduate within your four-year time frame. While exploring you will have an amazing relationship with an advisor who has knowledge of you, your interests, skills and abilities, and all majors on campus and has time to get to know you and assist you on this wonderful journey.

Eighty-five percent of the students who started in Exploratory Studies never change their major once they leave our program. Students have taken time to explore themselves, their major and career interests. They make those major decisions based on fully vetted information.

What is your most memorable moment from your time at Purdue?

I would have to say being an academic support staff member of the 1999 national championship women’s basketball team is the most memorable. It was great being able to travel with and support the women in their academic endeavors as they made that historic run.

Writer: Megan Huckaby, 765-496-1325,

Erin Schultz and Christine Hofmeyer Win PACADA Advising Awards

The Purdue Academic Advising Association (PACADA) recently honored two academic advisors for their hard work and dedication to their students.

Outstanding Academic Advisor: Erin Schultz, College of Education


Professionalism, confidentiality, trustworthiness and accountability are the foundations for Schultz’s attitude toward all students that are fortunate enough to meet and work with her, said nominator Jane Dimitt, director of the Office of Advising and Recruiting for the College of Education.

Students often express how supportive and informative Schultz is as an advisor.

Schultz started her career as a school counselor at Wea Ridge Middle School. She later realized that she could use her skills to benefit a different set of students.

“As a Boilermaker and previously a school counselor, academic advising at Purdue was a natural fit for me,” she says.

Co-workers lauded her work mentality and commitment in letters of support.

“It is made clear through her actions that Erin sees her advising role as going beyond suggesting courses for a plan of study to include the work of mentoring, listening, supporting and encouraging her students,” says Jill Newton, associate professor of Mathematics Education.

Schultz has been a member of PACADA since her first year on campus and co-chair of the Communications Committee since 2014.

“I love being a difference-maker. I hope that I have made some sort of impact in the lives of my students, and that, as future teachers, they will be paying it forward,” she says.

Outstanding New Professional: Christine Hofmeyer, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources

Christine Hofmeyer

Hard work, willingness to learn and a strong desire to help students have marked Hofmeyer’s time as an advisor in the Office of Student Services in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, where she took on two roles: academic advisor and graduate program coordinator.

“Christine is very friendly and engaging with her students and they are comfortable talking with her and discussing their concerns,” says John B. Dunning Jr., professor and director of the Office of Student Services.

Hofmeyer has worked as an academic advisor for a little more than a year, but already knows the job was the perfect fit for her.

“I love to learn, so being employed at an educational institution is a natural fit for me. I love being part of the students’ academic, emotional, social and professional development plan as they progress through their college years,” she says. “I met my freshman and transfer students when they visited the university as prospective students, and I have assisted them with various issues during their first year at Purdue and have enjoyed watching their transformations.  I have learned from the ongoing experiences of my sophomore, junior, senior and graduate students.”

Hofmeyer says she became an academic advisor because she wanted to be more directly involved with Purdue students.

“I’m a people person and am driven by opportunities to serve others,” she says.

Writer: Megan Huckaby, 765-496-1325,


In Recognition of Excellence….2013-2014 Advisor Awards

Awards Excellence

PACADA presents two advisors with distinguished awards recognizing excellent work each year – one award for Outstanding Advisor and another for Outstanding New Professional in Advising. Candidates are chosen through a peer nomination process and winners consistently demonstrate excellence in advising as experienced by students, colleagues, and faculty alike.

Additionally and perhaps less well known by PACADA members at Purdue, some Purdue advisors are also recognized by their own College or Department or are honored with awards from organizations outside Purdue like NACADA – PACADA’s national organization.

In order to spread the word on campus and beyond, it is critical to honor these individuals for a job well done.

Please congratulate the following Purdue Academic Advisors for the excellent work they do each day to help Purdue students reach their academic, personal, and professional goals:

PACADA Outstanding Advisor 2013-2014: Anneliese Kay, Assistant Director, College of Agriculture

PACADA Outstanding New Professional 2013-2014: Peter Vasher, (former) Advisor, Exploratory Studies

NACADA Outstanding Advising Award Certificate of Merit Recipient, Primary Advising category 2014: Anneliese Kay

NACADA Outstanding Advising Administrator Award Certificate of Merit Recipient, Advising Administrator category 2014:                   Dr. Mark Diekman, Faculty/Advisor, Animal Sciences, College of Agriculture

Richard W. McDowell Best Advisor Award for 2014: Jeffrey Myers, Advisor, First-Year Engineering

Outstanding Service to Students Recipient for the College of Agriculture, 2013-14: Andrew Oppy, Advisor, College of Agriculture

Outstanding Management Advisor Award for 2013-14: Jennifer Walters, Senior Academic Advisor, Krannert School of Management

NACADA Student Research Award Winner (Master’s category): John Gipson, Advisor/Student Program Specialist, College of Health and Human Sciences

Dr. Earl P. Notestine Award for Excellence in Academic Services, College of Liberal Arts, 2013-2014: Angie Palikaris, Advisor, College of Liberal Arts

Again, we offer a heartfelt thanks and congratulations for your hard work and dedication.

*If an award was missed, please email the author Colleen Brown at to have the award/recipient added to this list.

PACADA Award Winner: Brooke Linn

Communications committee member Sheila Hurt interviewed Brooke Linn, winner of PACADA’s 2013 Outstanding New Professional Award

This year’s winner of PACADA’s Outstanding New Professional Award, Brooke Linn, has something of a split personality (career-wise, at least). While she loves her job as an advisor in the College of Pharmacy, she also puts in time every day pursuing her dream of being a published author. When we talked about her career path so far, it became clear that she is on two paths simultaneously that occasionally intersect in interesting ways.

I asked Brooke about her childhood dreams, and what she thought she wanted to be when she grew up. She said that when she was in kindergarten, she wanted to be a cheerleader. Throughout elementary and middle school, her dreams turned more towards writing and teaching. By high school, she planned to be a lawyer. She attended Purdue and started out majoring in Management, thinking that would help her own her own bookstore. But when she realized she would have no time for writing as a small business owner, she decided to switch to Elementary Education. Along with learning to teach, she would learn what children liked to read, and that would help inform her other career as a writer.

After graduation, Brooke taught second grade for several years, first in Florida and then back in Indiana. She became a reading interventionist and literacy coach, helping other teachers improve their teaching. During this whole time, she continued to work on her other career goal as well, and started an MFA in creative writing. Eventually she started thinking about working at Purdue as an advisor. She applied for a few jobs but was never even interviewed, since she had not yet completed her master’s degree. She got some advice from her own undergraduate advisor, Jane Ann Dimitt, and kept applying. Her persistence eventually paid off when someone who interviewed her but turned her down recommended her for an advising job in pharmacy, and she was hired.

Brooke loves her current job, saying the students are wonderful and the people she works with are both motivating and supportive. They make her want to be a better advisor and continue to learn more. The biggest change from her previous career as a teacher is the schedule, but in a way it’s easier for her now because she doesn’t take work home and for the first time ever, she has a lunch hour available to spend time writing. She has completed her first young adult novel and is working on the sequel; she also wants to write picture books for children.

Brooke has found an interesting way to combine her varied career interests by creating and teaching a writing course for PharmD students whose skills could use some polishing. Even though it was not technically required, her students had almost perfect attendance last semester and suggested she offer a longer version of the course for next year. She also works with students who decide they do not want pharmacy, and is looking forward to learning more about career advising by taking the online course sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Advising that starts in a few weeks.

Though she certainly appreciates winning the Outstanding New Professional Award, Brooke wanted to emphasize that she doesn’t think she does anything out of the ordinary as an academic advisor. If that’s the case, then Pharmacy students are clearly in good hands!

PACADA Award Winner: Cara Wetzel

Communications committee member Paul Birkhimer interviewed Cara Wetzel, winner of PACADA’s 2013 Outstanding Advisor Award

“Outstanding In Her Field”

Or, as the pun-loving Cara Wetzel would say, “Out standing in her field”.  But being awarded PACADA’s Outstanding Academic Advisor Award is no joke to Wetzel.  Since beginning her employment on the Purdue campus in 1997, Cara has always wanted to make an impact on students.  As Assistant Director in the Undergraduate Studies Program, she is able to make this impact not only when she meets with students one-to-one, but also inside her EDPS 105 classroom, where bad jokes help her to make good connections.

This year’s Outstanding Academic Advisor didn’t have a career in academic advising as her goal.  When she shares this information with her exploratory students in USP, it provides another opportunity to make a connection and impact students.  “I want to make a difference in students’ lives by helping them make organized decisions,” says Cara.  She says she had a great advisor while pursuing her undergraduate degree at Purdue, now she strives to be the same type of influence for her students.

Wetzel truly didn’t realize academic advising was the place for her until she started advising in the Undergraduate Studies Program.  Looking back at the path which led her to Academic Advising has allowed Cara the opportunity to reflect and uncover the influences which have impacted her decisions.  Or as this Purdue math alum would say, “Looking for a sine.”  (The puns never end.)

The most fulfilling advising moments for her are the ones where she can see the light bulb go off in the student’s eye.  That’s when she knows the connection has been established and an impact has been made.

“I’m a learner,” says Wetzel, so being an instructor in EDPS 105, Academic and Career Planning, is a great place to be.  Beyond the classroom, she continues to increase her understanding of academic advising by attending regional and national conferences where new ideas and practices can be learned and shared.   For this academic advisor, the learning never stops.

Along with her dedication to academic advising, Cara has a strong commitment to family.  Her husband, daughter and son provide joy and stability to her life, but their busy schedules can make it challenging to maintain balance at times.  The challenges she experiences allow her to be more empathetic with her students.  She understands that they must also balance multiple elements in their lives as they explore their options at Purdue.

Receiving this recognition as Outstanding Academic Advisor made Cara smile.  How appropriate, since her students share a similar reaction when she delivers one of her many bad jokes or puns.