2017 PACADA Outstanding New Professional Award

Written By: Christine J. Hofmeyer

Elizabeth Byers-Doten (Center) surrounded by her supportive supervisor and family members

The criteria for the PACADA Outstanding New Professional Award includes effective interpersonal skills, availability to advisees, demonstration of a professional attitude toward advisees, evidence of active involvement in helping students achieve career and academic goals, use of information resources and referral agencies, and evidence of professional development.  This year’s recipient has exceeded all of these criteria.

She joined her department in June 2015, hitting the ground running during the first week of STAR, and due to the need to learn Purdue advising procedures and work to establish new relationships with her advisees; she broke the sound barrier with her speed of action and this rate of speed continues. 

What does movement at the speed of sound look like?

In addition to serving as an exceptional academic advisor and viewed by her department as one of the most “approachable” Purdue advisors, our award recipient has led the development of a formal professional communication internship to help students achieve their career goals.  The focus of the program is to help document the learning and growth of student interns for the development of stronger professional relationships in the agricultural communication industry, which will help assist in academic preparation and employment placement. As a point of success, the academic program enjoys nearly 100 percent job placement “in the field” within three months of graduation.  Our recipient is actively involved in multiple initiatives, some of which she has helped to create in her short time in the department.  She manages multiple social media accounts that enhance departmental communication efforts, writes a monthly department newsletter and biannual alumni newsletter, and authors three different monthly features for the website.  She serves as a leadership coach for the College of Agriculture Leadership Development Certificate Program, advisor and mentor for student Ambassadors, the Agricultural Communication Program’s student organization, and the Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT). She co-advises the Purdue Dairy Club, and extends her advising and disciplinary expertise throughout the College of Agriculture.

Ongoing professional development is a key component of her professional life.  She is an active member of the Purdue Career Advising Council and PACADA.  She is a member of two PACADA subcommittees: Communications and Connections Committee and Professional Development Committee — having served as the secretary for the Professional Development Committee.  She is a member of the Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA).  Earlier this year, she attended the Agricultural Careers Conference in Des Moines, Iowa.

She will increase her momentum by serving as chaperone for the upcoming Haiti Study Abroad course offered through YDAE.  Whoosh!  She is truly an amazing and accomplished person!   BREATHE!

2017 PACADA Outstanding New Professional Award recipient is Elizabeth Byers-Doten, Youth Development and Agricultural Education (YDAE) Student Services Specialist.  Congratulations on receiving this well-deserved award!