Policy Glossary

This glossary contains terms that are commonly used in system-wide policies and standards and supplements the Definitions section included within a given policy or standard. These terms, when used in a system-wide policy or standard, are capitalized throughout the document.

Board, Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees of The Trustees of Purdue University.

The Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer of Purdue University. Formerly, the EVPT.

The Chancellor of each of Purdue’s Regional Campuses.

CIO, System CIO
The Vice President for Information Technology and System Chief Information Officer of Purdue University (also see VPIT).

The Executive Vice President for Research of Purdue University. Formerly, the VPR.

The Executive Vice President for Business and Finance and Treasurer of Purdue University (also see CFO).

Human Resources
The human resources department on each of the University’s campuses.

The President of Purdue University.

The Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Diversity of Purdue University.

Purdue West Lafayette, Purdue University West Lafayette, and West Lafayette Campus
All units and locations with oversight tied to an office, department, college or school based on the West Lafayette campus. This includes Purdue University Indianapolis, Purdue Extension and Purdue Polytechnic Statewide. Any campus overseen by a Chancellor is not included in this definition.

Recognized Student Organization
Any group of University students that has been granted formal recognition by the Office of the Dean of Students in accordance with procedures set forth on the relevant campus.

Regional Campus(es)
Purdue University Fort Wayne and Purdue University Northwest (Hammond and Westville locations).

Regulations Governing Student Conduct
The rules and procedures that govern student conduct and disciplinary action as set forth by each campus. Links to each campus’s regulations are provided below.

University, Purdue and Purdue University
Any campus, unit, program, association or entity of Purdue University, including but not limited to Purdue University Fort Wayne, Purdue University Indianapolis, Purdue University Northwest, Purdue University West Lafayette, Purdue Extension and Purdue Polytechnic Statewide. This definition does not include Purdue University Global or its campuses, units or programs.

University Police
The police department on each of the University’s campuses.

The Vice President for Ethics and Compliance of Purdue University.

The Vice President for Information Technology and System Chief Information Officer of Purdue University (also see CIO).

The Vice President for Research of Purdue University (also see EVPR).

Contact Information
University Policy Office
Ernest C. Young Hall, 10th Floor
155 S. Grant Street
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2114
Phone: (765) 496-9634
Email: policies@purdue.edu

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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