Distinguished and Named Professorships and Faculty Scholars (VI.C.1)

Volume VI: Human Resources
Chapter C: Compensation
Responsible Executive: Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
Responsible Office: Office of the Provost
Date Issued: February 2, 2004
Date Last Revised: July 1, 2014


Statement of Policy
Reason for This Policy
Individuals and Entities Affected by This Policy
Definitions (defined terms are capitalized throughout the document)
Related Documents, Forms and Tools
Website Address for This Policy
History and Updates





Email/Web Address

Policy Clarification

Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs



Campus Specific Questions

Calumet: Chancellor


Fort Wayne: Chancellor



North Central: Chancellor



West Lafayette: Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs





The practice of awarding distinguished and named professors emphasizes the University’s commitment to excellence in discovery, learning and engagement. Faculty recipients of these awards should be outstandingly original, creative and productive individuals whose achievements in discovery and learning have been internationally recognized or who have made a unique contribution to the University through discovery, learning and/or engagement.

Policy Application

This policy applies to all new Distinguished Professors, Named Professors, Named Term Professors and University Faculty Scholars. Appointments already existing prior to the policy's Date Issued (see header) may be included at the discretion of the vice president, vice provost, vice chancellor or dean of the respective unit and as outlined in this policy and supporting documents. Faculty members who were Named Professors prior to the policy's Date Issued were reclassified as Named University Professors and are considered existing appointments for purposes of administration of this policy and associated procedures.

Discretionary Allocations and Salary Supplements

Discretionary Allocations to actively support the efforts of faculty members who receive these awards may be distributed in accordance with this policy and supporting documents. Vice presidents, vice provosts, vice chancellors and deans may choose to provide Salary Supplements to the faculty members from the Discretionary Allocations.

Relationship to Procedures and Written Plan

The process for awarding and determining associated allocations and salary follow this policy's Procedures for Awarding Distinguished and Named Professorships and Faculty Scholars. Each vice president, vice provost, vice chancellor and dean is required to maintain a written plan approved by the Provost (West Lafayette) or Chancellor (regional campuses) that includes the unit's (1) established Discretionary Allocation for each professorial rank, including required minimums and proposed maximum amounts; (2) established levels of Salary Supplements, including both minimums and maximums; and (3) a general description of the faculty review process and criteria for increases/decreases in Discretionary Allocations and Salary Supplements.


This policy establishes the framework for awarding and compensating Distinguished Professors, Named Professors, Named Term Professors, Named University Professors and University Faculty Scholars. The purpose of these appointments is to enrich the intellectual environment by retaining and attracting truly exceptional individuals on the faculty.


Vice presidents, vice provosts, vice chancellors, deans, department heads/chairs and faculty members.


There are no exclusions to this policy.



  • Review for approval Salary Supplements recommended by the Provost or a Chancellor for any eligible direct reports to the Provost or Chancellor.
  • Review for recommendation to the Board candidates for Distinguished Professor and candidates at the rank of full professor for Named Professorships.


  • Review for approval candidates for Named Professorships below the rank of full professor and all candidates for Named Term Professorships.
  • Review for recommendation to the President candidates for Distinguished Professor and candidates at the rank of full professor for Named Professorships.
  • Review for approval any changes or updates to the written plans for executing this policy as maintained by units on the West Lafayette campus.
  • Make determinations on requests for exceptions to this policy.


  • Review for approval any changes or updates to the written plans for executing this policy as maintained by units on their Regional Campus.
  • Review for approval Salary Supplements for eligible faculty members on their Regional Campus.

Vice President, Vice Provosts, Vice Chancellors and Deans

  • Maintain a written plan for executing this policy and communicate it to directors and department heads/chairs.
  • Determine maximum Discretionary Allocations for their unit.
  • Set Salary Supplement levels for their unit.
  • Establish procedures for nominating and approving University Faculty Scholars.
  • Establish a performance review process for determining continued Discretionary Allocation and Salary Supplement levels.
  • On the West Lafayette campus, review for approval Salary Supplements for eligible faculty members.

Faculty Members

  • Actively participate in reviews of candidates when called upon to do so.


All defined terms are capitalized throughout the document. Additional defined terms may be found in the central Policy Glossary.

Discretionary Allocations
Funds provided to designated faculty members to support their discovery, learning and engagement efforts. The faculty member may use the funds for any allowable University expenditure. The source of funds may be endowment distributions, gift funds, general funds or other funds as allowable and available. Sponsored program funds are not an allowable source of support.

Distinguished Professor(ship)
A special recognition bestowed on a select few professors of outstanding accomplishment who have achieved national and international prominence. The title is an academic recognition, not a fourth professorial rank. The title may be awarded without a name being associated with it; the title is named only when it is supported by an external funding source that meets the requirements of University policy and procedures on naming opportunities. A faculty member designated as a Distinguished Professor will carry the title throughout the balance of his/her career at Purdue. Emeritus professors may continue to carry the title Distinguished Professor Emeritus, but without compensation.

Named Professor(ship)
A title that recognizes a professorship supported by an external funding source. Named Professorships must meet the requirements of University policy and procedures on naming opportunities. The purpose of a Named Professorship is to attract and retain top quality faculty. While it is expected that recipients of Named Professorships are individuals of high accomplishment, faculty with the rank of assistant, associate or full professor may hold a Named Professorship. It is not an academic designation, but a form of recognition. The term of a Named Professorship is specified in writing and may be revoked where performance or other factors are determined to warrant such action. A Named Professorship is not a prerequisite for becoming a Distinguished Professor.

Named Term Professor(ship)
A title that recognizes the achievements of assistant, associate or full professors who have distinguished themselves among their peers, but who are not yet candidates for Named Professorships. The recipient holds the title of the vacant Named Professorship, with the word “term” inserted, for a one-time, non-renewable term not exceeding five years. Recipients may not hold a University Faculty Scholar designation at the same time, and the Named Term Professorship will be discontinued if the faculty member receives a Named or Distinguished Professor title. The endowment earnings that accrue while a Named Professorship remains vacant may provide the source of funds for this award. A Named Term Professorship may be revoked where performance or other factors are determined to warrant such action.

Named University Professor(ship)
Those faculty members who received named appointments under the prior University policy that bestowed the title as an academic recognition similar to Distinguished Professorships carry the transitional title of Named University Professor. All arrangements, including term, funding and other privileges, provided with the original named appointment for recognition continue with the Named University Professorship in accordance with University policy and procedures. No new appointments may be made with the title Named University Professor.

PRF Distinguished Professor Salary Allocation
An annual salary payment provided by Purdue Research Foundation (PRF) to Distinguished Professors. It is made through the University and is in addition to the University Salary Supplement, up to the maximum allowable amount.

Salary Supplements
Funds provided on an annual basis to designated faculty from their Discretionary Allocations as a supplement to their base salary. Refer to the Procedures for Awarding Distinguished and Named Professorships and Faculty Scholars for minimum/maximum levels. Also see the definition of PRF Distinguished Professor Salary Allocation.

University Faculty Scholar
A title that recognizes outstanding faculty members at the West Lafayette campus who are on an accelerated path for academic distinction. Eligible faculty must hold the rank of tenured associate or full professor and have been in that rank for no more than five years at the time of designation. New hires appointed with tenure are eligible. Appointments are for a term of five years and may be revoked where performance or other factors are determined to warrant such action. University Faculty Scholar designations are limited and apportioned among the colleges/schools by the Provost.


Procedures for Awarding Distinguished and Named Professorships and Faculty Scholars




July 1, 2014: This policy supersedes the policy on Discretionary Allocations and Salary Supplements for Distinguished Professors, Named University Professors, Named Professors, and University Faculty Scholars (II.C.3), which was merged with this policy. The title of Named Term Professors was added as a form of recognition. The policy was reformatted into the current policy template, and, as such, the procedures were removed (see Related Documents, Forms and Tools section).

November 18, 2011: Policy number changed to VI.C.1 (formerly IV.5.2) and individual names removed from Contacts section.

February 2, 2004: This policy is the first to formalize guidelines for the appointing of distinguished and named professors and faculty scholars.  Previous documents that addressed these types of appointments are as follows:

  • University Senate Document 74-19 (dated April 21, 1975)
    Subject: Policy for Distinguished Professorships
  • Memorandum from Felix Haas, Provost (dated July 1, 1975)
    Subject: Appointment of Distinguished Professors
  • Letter from Robert L. Ringel, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs (dated August 23, 1994)
    Subject: Appointment of Distinguished Professors
  • Letter from Robert L. Ringel, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs (dated August 28, 1998)
    Subject:  Proposal to Establish a University Faculty Scholars Recognition Program


There are no appendices to this policy.

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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