A special message about safety
April 8, 2024
Dear Purdue students,
Today is special.
This afternoon, a total solar eclipse will visit Indianapolis, where we open our first urban campus this July. The next such appearance in Indianapolis will be 129 years from now. Instructors have been encouraged to make afternoon classes optional, and Purdue — the “cradle of astronauts” — and NASA are organizing special educational programs with an expected tens of thousands in attendance at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. As you marvel at the totality, please be sure to protect your eyes and drive safely through traffic.
This evening, our Boilermakers will play in the NCAA men’s basketball national championship game. The last time that happened was 55 years ago. No matter what happens in Arizona, we are extremely proud of the Boilermaker team in how they have conducted themselves on and off the court. We trust that all the students in West Lafayette will also continue to make the right choices in celebrating and keep the safety of fellow students and our community in mind.
Along with the announcement with SK hynix about the AI chips fab, history has been made at Purdue in several ways this month. We are excited to be Boilermakers right here, right now. Hail Purdue!
Mung Chiang