Udall Scholarship recipient Griffin Laihinen: spotlighting leadership, service and commitment

Last updated: March 21, 2024

pictured: griffin laihinen, awardee of a 2024 udall scholarship

Griffin Laihinen is passionate about contributing to the planet’s sustainability. A senior studying environmental and ecological engineering, Laihinen researches and addresses issues concerning climate, freshwater and land changes.

Laihinen was recently awarded the highly prestigious Udall Undergraduate Scholarship from the Udall Foundation due to his unique demonstration of leadership and his commitment to public service and solving environmental issues.

The Udall Foundation awards approximately 55 scholarships per year, aiming to name one scholar per state. Since 2013, Purdue nominees have received an impressive seven scholarships with an additional five earning honorable mentions.

“Dr. Lindsey Payne, who I had been a teaching assistant for, suggested that I apply for the Udall scholarship my sophomore year and again my junior year,” Laihinen recalled. “She put me in contact with the National and International Scholarships Office (NISO), and the support of the office is what pushed me to craft a strong application.”

Payne, an assistant professor of environmental and ecological engineering, said Laihinen’s leadership and academic abilities helped him stand out as a candidate.

“Griffin excelled in the classroom, consistently receiving some of the highest marks among his 70 classmates. It is his leadership and motivation, however, that set him apart from his peers. Students want to follow him.”

In addition to the scholarship, being a Udall Scholar allowed Laihinen to participate in the Udall Scholars Orientation. The orientation provides students with professional networking opportunities where they can engage with other scholarship recipients and learn more about issues impacting the environment and Native American communities.

“It was a unique experience compared to anything else I’ve done in my life. Everyone I met was an impressive figure in their respective field or from their respective institution, and in that sense, the orientation was very humbling,” Laihinen said.

The experience of earning the scholarship was eye-opening for Laihinen.

“After some reflection that weekend, I started to realize that other people could possibly see me in the same way, which pushes me to keep doing what I believe to be the right thing.”

National And International Scholarships Office

The National and International Scholarships Office (NISO) is a part of the John Martinson Honors College and coordinates the process of applying for scholarships and grants that require a university nomination. Purdue students applying for prestigious awards (including the Udall Scholarship) receive support and guidance through this office.

“The process of self-reflection and essay revising that NISO allowed me to engage in helped me hone my essays in a way that I don’t think would have been possible otherwise. They gave me useful guidance that helped me write my best application,” Laihinen remarked.

Earning a scholarship can change the trajectory of a Purdue student's academic and professional career. The resources provided by NISO continue to enable Purdue students to apply themselves in environments where they can develop into the best versions of themselves.

headshot of student communication assistant owen hughes

Owen Hughes

Student Communication Assistant for Teaching and Learning, hughe357@purdue.edu 

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