Equity Task Force
With a specific focus on the experience of Black Boilermakers, we are committed to ensuring that all members of the university community can experience everything Purdue has to offer equitably.

Key Initial Investments
- Robust recruitment of Black undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff through new programs, scholarships and cluster hires
- New and expanded mentoring and community-building initiatives
- Enhanced career development opportunities and professional recognition
Early academic outreach counselors hope to attract more Black and minority Boilermakers
New positions created as part of the Equity Task Force aim to create awareness about programs offered at Purdue
Learn More
Explore Purdue’s Next Moves
Each of Purdue’s Next Moves is a natural evolution of the priorities we established for the university in 2013. With the progress we’ve made and the momentum we’ve built, they represent the next phase in this initiative.
Plant Sciences 2.0
National Security and Technology Initiative
Purdue Applied Research Institute
Transformative Education 2.0
Equity Task Force
Online Education 2.0