Transformative Education 2.0
Purdue will offer the most innovative approach to learning through a deep investment in experiential learning, advanced technologies, flexible degree options, integrated student life experiences and a data-driven ecosystem

Key Initial Investments
- High-touch experiential learning, including enhanced internships, cooperative experiences, undergraduate research and active learning
- Creative use of advanced technologies and online learning to enhance residential courses and improve student success
- Flexible cross-disciplinary degree and credential options
- Integrated student life experiences and multiple work/learn options
- A data-driven ecosystem that improves retention, progression, graduation rates and satisfaction

Explore Purdue’s Next Moves
Each of Purdue’s Next Moves is a natural evolution of the priorities we established for the university in 2013. With the progress we’ve made and the momentum we’ve built, they represent the next phase in this initiative.
Plant Sciences 2.0
National Security and Technology Initiative
Purdue Applied Research Institute
Transformative Education 2.0
Equity Task Force
Online Education 2.0