Legacy Course Catalog
This site provides historical information for Purdue University Courses taken between 1970-2008. Complete course descriptions are available for most courses taken from 2001 to Spring of 2008. If the course you need complete description information for is prior to 2001, please email certifications@purdue.edu with the course title, course number if available, and date taken. For the current, authoritative source of Purdue West Lafayette Catalog information from Spring 2008 to the current term, please use the Course Catalog.
If you have questions regarding this website, please contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@purdue.edu or (765) 494-6165.
Subject | Course | Campus | Effectivity |
NEWM | A475 - Advanced Animation For Integrated Media | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/23/2006 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | M355 - Web Design | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/22/2007 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | M360 - Interactive Design | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/07/2008 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N100 - Int Digital Media Prin | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/24/1998 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N100 - Introduction To Digital Media Principles | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N100 - Introduction To Digital Media Principles | IU Technology Statewide | 08/22/2005 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N101 - Tpcs:Prin Multimed Tch | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/24/1998 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N101 - Topics In Interactive Multimedia | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N110 - Visualizing Information | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/10/2005 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N175 - Digtl Media-Vect Imag | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/21/2000 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N175 - Digital Media I: Vector Imaging | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N180 - Digtl Media-Rastr Imag | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/21/2000 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N180 - Digital Media II: Raster Imaging | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N180 - Digital Media II: Raster Imaging | IU IUPUI Traditional | 05/19/2003 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N190 - Topics In Interactive Media | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/09/2006 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N199 - Directed Study I | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/07/2008 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N200 - Desktp Tool Dgtl Media | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/23/1999 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N200 - Desktop Tools For Digital Media | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N201 - Design Issues in Digital Media | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/24/2005 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N204 - Intro Interactive Media | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/13/2003 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N210 - Intro To Digital Sound | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/08/2001 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N210 - Introduction To Digital Sound | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N210 - Introduction To Digital Sound | IU IUPUI Traditional | 05/12/2004 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N230 - Introduction to Game Design and Development | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/07/2002 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N235 - Introduction To Computer Simulation/Animation | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N235 - Introduction To Computer Simulation/Animation | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/25/2004 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N240 - Introduction To Digital Video | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N240 - Introduction To Digital Video | IU IUPUI Traditional | 05/12/2004 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N250 - Team Building In Tech | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/11/1999 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N250 - Team Building In Technology | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N250 - Team Building In Technology | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/12/2004 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N265 - Sound Composition | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/09/2006 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N280 - New Media | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/09/2006 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N290 - Creative Concept Development | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/25/2004 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N299 - Directed Study II | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/07/2008 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N300 - Digital Media Productn | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/11/1999 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N300 - Digital Media Production | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N302 - Media Simulation Meth | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/11/1999 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N302 - Media Simulation Methods | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N304 - Interact Media Applic | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/23/1999 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N304 - Interactive Media Applications | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N304 - Interactive Media Applications | IU IUPUI Traditional | 05/12/2004 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N311 - Digital Paradigm Shift | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/08/2001 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N311 - The Digital Paradigm Shift: Effects In International Cultures And Society | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N330 - Game Design, Development, and Production | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/12/2004 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N340 - Digital Video Production | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/07/2002 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N420 - Multimedia Proj Devlp | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/23/1999 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N420 - Multimedia Project Development | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N435 - Computer Simulation/Animation III Production | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/25/2004 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N440 - DV and CGI Digital Effects | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/24/2005 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N475 - Research Desgn Methods | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/23/1999 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N475 - Research In Design Methods | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N480 - Technology And The Law | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/07/2008 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N485 - Seminar in New Media | IU IUPUI Traditional | 05/13/2002 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N490 - Independent Study | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/23/1999 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N490 - Independent Study | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N490 - Independent Study | IU IUPUI Traditional | 05/19/2003 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N499 - Capstone Experience | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/11/1999 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N499 - Capstone Experience | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N500 - Fnds:Digtl Arts Prodct | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/24/1998 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N500 - Foundations Of Digital Arts Production | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N501 - Tpcs:Prin Multimed Tch | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/24/1998 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N501 - Topics: Principles Of Multimedia Technology | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N501 - Topics: Principles Of Multimedia Technology | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/25/2003 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | N502 - Dig Media Mtn&Sim Mthd | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/24/1998 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N502 - Digital Media Motion And Simulation Methods | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N503 - Dig Media App Des Proc | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/11/1999 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N503 - Digital Media Application Design Processes | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N504 - Adv Interact Dsgn Appl | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/11/1999 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N504 - Advanced Interactive Design Applications | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N505 - Intern In Media Arts | IU IUPUI Traditional | 05/17/1999 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N505 - Internship In Media Arts And Technology | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | N506 - Media Arts Tech Projct | IU IUPUI Traditional | 05/17/1999 - 06/20/2001 |
NEWM | N506 - Media Arts And Technology Project | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/20/2001 - 05/10/2003 |
NEWM | P355 - Intermediate Sound | IU IUPUI Traditional | 05/07/2008 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | S350 - Sequential Narrative | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/07/2008 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | S365 - 3D Interactive | IU IUPUI Traditional | 01/07/2008 - Fall 2007 *** |
NEWM | S370 - 3-D Animation | IU IUPUI Traditional | 08/24/2005 - Fall 2007 *** |
Fall 2007 *** indicates the course was still an active course and was transferred to the Banner Catalog effective Spring 2008. This course was not expired Fall 2007.