Legacy Course Catalog

CGT 456 - Hypermedia Authoring II

Effectivity: 08/19/2002 - 08/05/2005 @ Purdue Calumet Traditional
Credits: 3
Instructional Types: Lab Lec
Usually Offered: fal spr sum
Short Title: Hypermedia Authorng II
Description: This course presents the advanced technologies available for use on the World Wide Web and within corporate intranet environments. Emphasis and discussion is focused on the advantages and disadvantages of these technologies as well as on implementation to create unique solutions for business and industry. Strategies for planning, development, and implementation will be discussed and demonstrated.
Department: Manufacturing Eng Tech & Supervision
Credit By Exam: NO
Repeatable Flag: NO
Temporary Flag: NO
Full Time Privilege Flag: NO
Honors Flag: NO
Variable Title Flag: NO

Fall 2007 *** indicates the course was still an active course and was transferred to the Banner Catalog effective Spring 2008. This course was not expired Fall 2007.

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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