Legacy Course Catalog

V M 540 - Applications And Integrations III

Effectivity: 01/12/2004 - 08/06/2004 @ Purdue West Lafayette Traditional
Credits: 3
Instructional Types: Ind Lab
Usually Offered: fal
Short Title: Applica & Integra III
Description: Small group tutorial, problem-oriented approach to understanding how basic science concepts are integrated into clinical aspects of veterinary medicine. Students are expected to identify learning issues, resolve identified gaps in their knowledge base, integrate information across disciplines, and practice/develop problem-solving skills using simulated case materials and research problems at a higher level of performance than in VM 530. Evaluation of students will be based upon, but not limited to, tutorial group evaluation, peer evaluation, self-evaluation, and a comprehensive content and process examination that will include material from the two previous semesters of this course.
School: School of Veterinary Medicine
Department: School Of Veterinary Medicine - Admin
Credit By Exam: NO
Repeatable Flag: NO
Temporary Flag: NO
Full Time Privilege Flag: NO
Honors Flag: NO
Variable Title Flag: NO

Fall 2007 *** indicates the course was still an active course and was transferred to the Banner Catalog effective Spring 2008. This course was not expired Fall 2007.

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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