Legacy Course Catalog

A&AE 660 - Operator Methods In Control Systems

Effectivity: 01/07/2008 - Fall 2007 *** @ Purdue West Lafayette Traditional
Credits: 3
Instructional Types: Lec
Usually Offered: spr
Short Title: Oper Meth Cntrl System
Description: Uses elementary operator techniques to solve many classical and modern problems in control systems. The first third of the course is devoted to operator theory. Then these techniques are used to study controllability, observability, realization theory, the small gain theorem, robust control problems, quadratic control theory, Hoo control design, the Nehari theorem and its applications, ergodic theorems, and sinusoid estimation algorithms. Prerequisite: AAE 56400; or equivalent course on linear systems.
School: Aeronautical And Astronautical Engineering
Department: Aeronautics & Astronautics
Credit By Exam: NO
Repeatable Flag: NO
Temporary Flag: NO
Full Time Privilege Flag: NO
Honors Flag: NO
Variable Title Flag: NO

Fall 2007 *** indicates the course was still an active course and was transferred to the Banner Catalog effective Spring 2008. This course was not expired Fall 2007.

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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