Legacy Course Catalog

VPB 569 - Veterinary Public Health And Zoonoses

Effectivity: 05/19/2003 - 05/05/2007 @ Purdue West Lafayette Traditional
Credits: 2
Instructional Types: Lec
Usually Offered: spr
Short Title: Vet Publ Hlth & Zoonos
Description: A survey of fundamental topics on diseases that are caused by viral, bacterial, rickettsial, and parasitic agents and are known to be transmissible from animals to humans, as well as those diseases that are common to humans and animals. Topics emphasize the epidemiology and methods for prevention and control of these diseases in animal and human populations. Food safety and foodborne diseases, with particular emphasis on foods of animal origin, are discussed. Risk assessment of occupational and environmental health conditions to which veterinarians are likely to be exposed in training or the work place also is covered.
School: School of Veterinary Medicine
Department: Veterinary Pathobiology
Credit By Exam: NO
Repeatable Flag: NO
Temporary Flag: NO
Full Time Privilege Flag: NO
Honors Flag: NO
Variable Title Flag: NO
CPB 569 05/14/2007 - Fall 2007 *** @ Purdue West Lafayette Traditional

Fall 2007 *** indicates the course was still an active course and was transferred to the Banner Catalog effective Spring 2008. This course was not expired Fall 2007.

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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