Legacy Course Catalog

VPB 619 - Design, Conduct, And Analysis Of Clinical Trials

Effectivity: 05/19/2003 - 05/05/2007 @ Purdue West Lafayette Traditional
Credits: 2
Instructional Types: Lec
Usually Offered: fal
Short Title: Dsgn,Cond,Anly Cln Trl
Description: Reviews the various types of clinical trials that are used in medical research (e.g., therapeutic and preventive). The stages and activities in a "typical" trial are defined along with factors that influence study design. Key elements of data collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation and reporting of results are discussed and illustrated using published reports of clinical trials. Differences in the design and conduct of trials in human and veterinary medicine are considered, including the ethical concerns and costs.
School: School of Veterinary Medicine
Department: Veterinary Pathobiology
Credit By Exam: NO
Repeatable Flag: NO
Temporary Flag: NO
Full Time Privilege Flag: NO
Honors Flag: NO
Variable Title Flag: NO
CPB 619 05/14/2007 - Fall 2007 *** @ Purdue West Lafayette Traditional

Fall 2007 *** indicates the course was still an active course and was transferred to the Banner Catalog effective Spring 2008. This course was not expired Fall 2007.

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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