Requests for N95 Respirators

Daily Job Requirements

N95 respirator or face mask use for daily tasks requires approval by Radiological and Environmental Management, enrollment in Purdue’s respiratory protection program and an N95 mask fitting.

For individuals already enrolled in the respiratory protection program or for individuals who need to use a respirator for activities not related to COVID-19, please follow your normal purchasing practices to obtain a N95 respirator. If you are having difficulties sourcing your normal respirators, follow the guidance for essential supplies on the Procurement Services website. In Ariba, N95 respirators are available to purchase. If the N95 respirator you source is not the same as the N95 respirator you were fit tested with, please contact Jennifer Kraus at to schedule a fit test with your new respirator.

Individuals who are not enrolled in the respiratory protection program but need to use a respirator for workplace hazards should contact Josh Brown at

For individuals who believe they are medically vulnerable to serious illness and need an N95, please contact Purdue Human Resources as the first step.


Unlike those described above who wear N95 masks as part of their daily job requirements, individuals who use a respirator for activities related to COVID-19 do not need approval by Radiological and Environmental Management. They also do not need to enroll in Purdue’s respiratory protection program.

More information about how to obtain a N95 mask is available on the Protect Purdue webiste.

Please note that an N95 with an exhalation valve cannot be used in areas that require a face mask for COVID-19 protection.

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Phone: (765) 494-8221

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Phone: (765) 494-6919


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