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Ross-Lynn Research Scholar Fund

Last modified 1/25/2023


The Fund can be used to support one year of a Ph.D. student stipend/tuition and fee remission or one year of a post-doctoral scholar stipend and benefits unless the funding is used to fulfill a multiyear cost share commitment on an externally funded sponsored program. Post-doc stipend amounts should be justified based on market benchmarking or federal agency minimums. Their effort should be devoted to the development of new research projects or the continuation of ongoing research projects.


  • Allocation notices, spreadsheets and instructions will be sent to academic deans from the Office of Research. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Research Business Office at
  • Faculty will be notified of internal department/school/college deadline dates via their department head and/or Dean's Office.
  • Awards will be announced by each department/school/college upon completion of their award process.
  • All allocation from the Ross-Lynn Scholar Fund must be assigned by May 15. Departments/schools/colleges should adjust timing of their application and award process accordingly.

Faculty Eligibility

To receive an allocation from the Fund, faculty must be eligible to serve as a PI on an external sponsored program, and can hold tenure-line, research, or clinical appointments. A faculty member can only hold one active Ross-Lynn Research Scholar award at any given time unless they are participating in multiple sponsored programs with cost share requirements.

Submission, Selection & Awarding of Ross-Lynn Scholar Funds to Eligible Faculty within a College or School

The Dean, ADR, and DFA of each college are responsible for the strategic development, approvals, administration, and annual reporting of the use of their annual Fund allocation. The EVPRP Business Office Designee will work with College DFAs to establish the appropriate accounts and to administer the Fund allocation.

The Fund can be used to fulfill mandatory or voluntary single or multi-year cost share/matching on externally funded sponsored programs, including young investigator awards, graduate research and training grants, and center level proposals. In fact, the use of the Fund for this purpose is strongly encouraged. The Ross-Lynn Research Scholar support used for this purpose must be budgeted and tracked separately using a Form 32 prepared by Sponsored Program Pre-Award, which follows federal and state requirements. Colleges should track multi-year cost share commitments from the Fund to prevent shortfalls in future years of the commitment.

Project Period

Ross-Lynn Research Scholar Funds are established with a start date of June 1 and project period of one year.

  • It is preferred that funding is expended within one year, however, colleges will continue to have up to two years to spend. All accounts will be set up with a two-year project period eliminating the need for no cost extensions. After the second year, unexpended funds will revert back to the EVPRP.

Regulatory Approvals

If the research project supported by a Ross-Lynn Scholar Fund requires review and approval for use of animals (IACUC), human subjects (IRB), and/or r-DNA, infectious agents, unfixed human fluids, human tissues or human cell lines (IBC), the investigator must ensure that all appropriate protocols are active and current prior to release of funds. Regulatory approvals must remain active and current until the project is completed.


Each college must submit a brief annual report to the EVPRP that summarizes the use and impact of the Fund allocation, and provide a financial statement.


  • Inquiries regarding guidelines and procedures for the Ross-Lynn Scholar Fund competition should be directed to the academic dean's offices.
  • Inquiries regarding administration of existing Ross-Lynn Scholar Fund awards should be directed to departmental business offices.

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