The Purdue Office of the Executive Vice President for Research and Sponsored Program Services (SPS) have launched a
to provide the most up-to-date information to help ensure compliance by researchers who may have grants impacted by executive orders during this period of transition at the U.S. government and among U.S. federal agencies.
As always, our federal and state government relations liaisons, supported by the Office of Research, Office of Legal Counsel and the Office of Vice President for Ethics and Compliance, are carefully monitoring actions and will evaluate the effects of any legal and regulatory requirements on Purdue operations.
Researchers should continue working on their grants and contracts unless you receive instructions from your grant program officer, agency contact or Purdue SPS. Any researcher who has received or receives information from your grant program officer or agency should reach out to SPS at
to be directed to the appropriate person to help determine actions and next steps. Likewise, if SPS receives communication from an agency, they will notify directly relevant principal investigators if action needs to be taken.
The website
has the current status for each agency and will be updated as new information is available.
Thank you, as always, for the work that you do for Purdue.
Karen Plaut, Executive Vice President for Research
Chris Ruhl, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Patrick Wolfe, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Diversity