POSTPONED: Security, Technology, & Society Expert Guest Series
This guest lecture has been postponed.
Purdue Policy Research Institute and the Honors College invite you to join our class, Security, Technology, & Society, as we welcome guest speaker:
Dr. Stacey Hynd | Senior Lecturer in African History, College of Humanities, University of Exeter, United Kingdom
Healing Wounds: Transitional Justice, Customary Law, and Reconciliation Ceremonies
Dr. Hynd's primary research interests are in conflict and humanitarianism in Africa. She is working on the history of child soldiering that traces historical patterns in the recruitment and use of children in armed conflict across Africa. This research also analyzes the evolution of humanitarian campaigning and transnational advocacy against children's involvement in conflict in 1970s to the present. Dr. Hynd's other research interests are in the history of law, violence and punishment in Africa. She teaches African twentieth century political and socio-cultural histories, civil wars, and child soldiering. Dr. Hynd is Co-Director of the Centre for Imperial and Global History and is a member of the Centre for War, State and Society.