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Benefits Available to Retirees


Purdue provides numerous benefits for faculty and staff from the West Lafayette and regional campuses who are Official Retirees (see Official Retiree definition at the end of this document). 

The University also provides benefits to Qualified Surviving Spouses and Qualified Children of deceased Purdue Official Retirees.

Included among these benefits are the following, the majority which are available to Official Retirees from all of the Purdue campuses:

Purdue faculty/staff photo identification card.  Retirees may obtain the card at the ID Card Office located in Stewart Center, room 194. 

University contributions to an employee’s Defined Contribution or PERF account on any terminal vacation pay an Official Retiree receives.

University group life Insurance. Opportunity for continued participation at cost up to age 65.

Medical plan participation. Optional participation at cost in University/PURA-sponsored Medicare supplement and pre-65 medical insurance plans.

University customer service.  Provided by Purdue University Human Resources, including pre- and post-retirement counseling and assistance with health insurance issues (765-494-1694).

Complimentary parking permit.  Retirees may register their vehicles for the West Lafayette campus via the License Plate Recognition (LPR) software.  See details here.

No-cost flu shots for retiree and spouse.  Convenient access provided annually.

Wellness services at the Nursing Center for Family Health.  During the year, retirees have access to one free wellness screening.  This includes blood pressure checks, a finger stick for a Lipid Profile with glucose and a basic hearing screening if requested.  Additional lipid profiles can be done for a fee.  The Nursing Center for Family Health is located on the first floor of Lyles-Porter Hall, which has an attached parking garage.  The Center does not accept medical insurance, Medicare or Medicaid.  For more information, call 765-496-0308.

Who may use Purdue Center for Healthy Living Services.  Retirees on PURcare and Medicare Advantage PPO plans may use the Purdue Center for Health Living lab.  For more information see details here

Purdue Aphasia Research Laboratory and BrainBuilders Program. Opportunity to participate in programs that promote thinking, memory and language skills.  See details here.

Entertainment and recreational senior rates.  Senior (60+ or 62+) rates for some Purdue Convocation entertainment events and at University golf courses.

Use of University email.  Opportunity for official retirees to retain their Purdue email account or to apply to activate one.

Fee privileges.  Opportunity to enroll in Purdue University classes on the same basis as active faculty/staff.  Information about enrolling in classes is available through the Office of Admissions, 765-494-1776, and information about fees is available through the Office of the Bursar, 765-494-7570.  Identify yourself as a Purdue retiree.

Purdue Global classes.  Enrollment in Purdue Global classes, certificate and degree programs is tuition-free. Fore more details see here.

Ivy Tech Community College Senior Scholars program.  Free tuition is available for qualifying Indiana residents age 60 and older.  For details about taking credit courses for letter grades, contact the Ivy Tech Admissions Office at 765-269-5200.

Purdue University Libraries.  Retirees have access to the wide-ranging Purdue University Libraries facilities.

Free rides on CityBus.  With the faculty/staff/retiree ID, retirees can ride the City Bus on-campus routes.  For off-campus City Bus transportation services, retirees may obtain an off-campus semester pass.  Visit the Token Transit website and follow the step-by-step instructions. Additionally, an online reference guide is available.  A Purdue email is needed to obtain an off-campus semester pass at no cost.

University merchant discount program.  Retirees can take advantage of discounts for a variety of services and items with access to Purdue Perks, the CSSAC-sponsored merchant discount program:     https://www.purdue.edu/cssac/Employee_Discounts/index.php

Same airport parking perks as offered to Purdue employees.  See details here.

PURA-sponsored programs. Opportunity to participate in PURA-sponsored programs, events, trips and tours, including PURA's Annual Spring Conference, a day-long educational program featuring topics and presentations of current interest to retirees.

PURA timely updates.  Based on member preference and in order to share specific information in a more timely manner, in 2024 the PURA newsletter was discontinued in favor of targeted emails.  Be sure to keep your email address current to continue receiving PURA communications.  You can update your information by emailing gifts@purdue.edu.

PURA website.  Monthly calendar and benefits updates, campus services and technology features.

Purdue retirees e-directory.  Access available at www.purdue.edu/retirees.

Who Qualifies as an Official Retiree?

A faculty or staff member who meets the following qualifications:

Age 55 or older and;
Employed by Purdue University in a benefits-eligible position for 10 or more years


Employed by Purdue University in a benefits-eligible position and;
Received income replacement benefits under the University’s long-term disability program (LTD) until the age limit at which LTD benefits ended and;
Was continuously employed with the University for five years or more prior to qualifying for LTD


The surviving spouse and surviving children of a person who:

Was an Official Retiree of the University and;
Had been continuously employed by the University for five or more years immediately prior to death


Was a Purdue employee at the time of his or her death and;
Was continuously employed by the University in a benefits-eligible position for five or more years immediately prior to death      

Last updated March 2022                                                                                                 

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Who May Use Purdue Center for Healthy Living Services

Purdue’s Center for Healthy Living (CHL) is located in the Purdue West Shopping Center at 1400 W. State St. The center serves benefits-eligible employees, retirees and their dependents covered on the Purdue CDHP (Consumer-Driven Health Plan) medical plans: Premier CDHP, Standard CDHP or Limited CDHP. Retirees must be covered by one of these three medical plans to be eligible to use the center.

Retirees 65 and over with United Healthcare (PURcare and Medicare Advantage PPO) are not eligible to use the services of the CHL.  The CHL providers do not see any Medicare patients.  However, PURcare and PURA's Medicare Advantage PPO patients may use the CHL lab for blood work and other testing provided at the CHL, as this is billed by LabCorp through your insurance.  The CHL lab services are also available to retirees from the Regional Campuses, although they would need to travel to West Lafayette.

For more information about the center, including services, costs and hours, visit www.purdue.edu/healthyliving. For questions, call the center at 765-494-0111 or contact Purdue Human Resources at 765-494-2222.

Last updated March 2022

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Parking Via License Plate Recognition Available to Retirees

Complimentary Parking Available to Retirees Via License Plate Recognition on the Purdue Parking Portal 

Effective August 2024

Faculty or staff who are official University retirees and continue to reside in Indiana may request an annual complimentary “A” parking permit/garage access card that expires August 15th.  License plate registration is required to receive a parking permit.  The license plate registration will allow retirees access to gated garages and also allow retirees to park in non-gated “A Permit” areas on campus.

The first step to receiving the complimentary retiree permit is to create a guest account using the online Parking Portal.  Using the Parking Portal will allow retirees to access, manage and renew their retiree permits without the need to sign in with BoilerKey.  Your PUID is required in the online Parking Portal.  If you don’t know your PUID, you may email hr@purdue.edu for help.

Step-by-step set up instructions on how to create a guest account in the Parking Portal using a personal (non-Purdue) email address or a Purdue email address can be found at https://www.purdue.edu/parking/permits/west-lafayette/retirees.html.

After your guest account has been set up, you need to add the retiree permit to the account and register your license plate.  You will have to purchase the permit, but the cost will be $0 in your cart.  Go to https:///www.purdue.edu/parking/permits/west-lafayette/purchase.html for complete instructions on “purchasing” the permit and registering your license plate.

Your license plate is your parking permit.  Although a garage access card will be mailed to your home address, it is not the permit.  It is to be used for gated garage access when the gate does not open via License Plate Recognition at the Grant Street or Harrison Street garages to avoid paying for parking.  For security purposes, this access card should NOT be displayed in the windshield and is only used to swipe in and out of the gated garages.  Please inform Parking if your card is lost or stolen, so it may be replaced.

Purdue parking is a privilege extended to Purdue retirees.  This privilege is only for the retiree.  Permits are for individual use only and may not transfer to friends or family.  Abuse will result in your parking privileges being revoked.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the Parking Portal, contact the Parking Operations office at parking@purdue.edu, at 765-494-9497 or in the Parking Operations office in Stewart Center, Room G-54.

September 2024

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Purdue Global Education Benefit Available to Official Retirees

Purdue University offers an educational tuition benefit available to official retirees through the Purdue University Global (PG) online university.

Official retirees from any Purdue system campus can take advantage of the tuition benefit to pursue certificates, associate, bachelors and master’s degrees tuition free. Purdue Global offers more than 100 degree and non-degree programs to choose from.

Spouses and dependents of official retirees as defined in Policy VI.A.1: Status and Privileges of Retired Faculty and Staff, Surviving Spouses and Surviving Children are provided the opportunity to pursue a degree online from Purdue Global and receive a partial fee remission.

Before beginning the enrollment process, there are few things to know and do:

  1. Review the PG Education Benefits Guidelines, the PG Education Benefit Manual, and FAQs here, which provides more details about the PG Education Benefit, program requirements, and specific tuition discounts by program.

  2. Next, complete the Intake Form located here. Be sure to fill in the program of study and desired start date you are interested in – which will allow the appropriate admissions advisor to reach out and reduce potential delays in form processing.

  3. Email your completed Intake Form to edbenefits@purdueglobal.edu

  4. Once a completed intake form is submitted, an admissions advisor will call to help complete the admissions process. Due to the volume of interest and individualized attention, the advisor’s response may take up to six business days.

Purdue University Global Resources:

To view Purdue Global programs offered, visit the Purdue Global website. For program of study assistance, call 844-787-3834.

Policy VI.A.1: Status and Privileges of Retired Faculty and Staff, Surviving Spouses and Surviving Children is located here.

For questions regarding the PG Education Benefit, visit the Purdue Global Education Remission Benefit website here or email the Bursar at remissions@purdue.edu 

Last updated March 2022

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Purdue Aphasia Research Laboratory and BrainBuilders Program

Purdue Aphasia Research Laboratory

Stroke is the second leading cause of mortality worldwide, and the major cause of long-term disability in adults. In Indiana, being firmly situated in the 'Stroke Belt', there is a higher incidence of stroke than in the rest of the nation (according to the Kentucky Indiana Stroke Association).

One of the persisting disabilities of stroke patients is the loss of communication abilities (aphasia), affecting all modalities of communication including one's ability to speak, to comprehend, to read, and/or to write. Research evidence shows that persons with aphasia continue to improve their communication skills with continued participation in communication-based activities and interactions—even years post-stroke—significantly improving their quality of life.

The Purdue Aphasia Research Laboratory is working to better understand how persons with aphasia process information during listening and speaking, and to identify factors and conditions that maximize re-learning of language. Persons who have had a stroke resulting in aphasia are invited to participate in our research.

Participation in the Laboratory’s research is free of charge and a comprehensive language evaluation is completed prior to participating. If interested, please contact them by email at aphasia@purdue.edu, on their website, https://www.purdue.edu/hhs/slhs/aphasia/, or by phone at 765-496-0216.

BrainBuilders Program

Individuals struggling with memory loss can learn how to maximize thinking, memory and language skills though Purdue’s BrainBuilders program.  Housed in the College of Health and Human Sciences’ Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, the program utilizes graduate students from the No. 3 ranked speech-language pathology program in the nation to facilitate individual and group cognitive exercises and engage clients in creative activities centered on a weekly theme.  The group is designed to give thinking skills a workout and to provide cognitive and social stimulation with a therapeutic emphasis.

The program accepts Medicare, Aetna and Anthem insurance.  Patients must complete an assessment prior to starting in the program to determine eligibility.

Those who are interested in joining the program or learning more should contact Michelle Gutmann at mgutmann@purdue.edu or 765-494-3809.

Last updated March 2022

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