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Finance Committee

The PURA Finance Committee was created to attract gift funds that will be placed in a true endowment within Purdue University; these funds will be preserved in perpetuity, and only the income will be used for the general good of Purdue retirees. The committee is also responsible for reviewing formal requests from the PURA community for projects that require implementation funds and for making a recommendation about funding to the PURA Executive Committee. Expenditures might include funds for a research project related to successful retirement, speakers for educational programs on healthy living or financial planning, or a partnership project with the Center on Aging and the Life Course.

When Purdue retirees consider their annual philanthropic gifts, they are encouraged to designate a portion for the PURA Finance Committee; and, as they establish their estate plan, they may wish to specify an amount to be placed in this endowment to benefit the next generations of retirees. Requests for general information about gifts to the endowment may be addressed to the University Development Office, Dauch Alumni Center, 765-494-2730, or to PURA, Human Resource Services-Staff Benefits, Freehafer Hall, 765-494-1779.

Members of the committee are:

  • Lucia Anderson, Chair lucia@purdue.edu
  • Marshall Martin
  • Tom Robertson
  • Charlene Sullivan

Purdue retirees and spouses are eligible for membership to this or any other PURA committee. Appointments are for a three-year term with membership limited to six consecutive years (two three-year terms). Anyone interested in joining this or any other committee should contact the committee chair.


Last Updated: July 2024