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Hospitality Committee

The Hospitality Committee encourages retirees from all sectors of the University to take part in PURA's ongoing activities such as the fall Kick-Off Luncheon, the monthly MCL luncheons, and other special events.

The committee may serve in a liaison capacity for special events such as flu shot administration, health fairs, retirement receptions, and so forth. The committee also strives to improve our communications to retirees and pre-retirees and gather ideas that might result in interesting new programming for PURA.

The committee attempts to identify and consider programs and services that will attract the broadest possible participation of University retirees. Recommended ideas and projects are presented to the PURA Executive Board for approval, recognizing that committees other than the Hospitality Committee should be further involved.

Members of the committee are:

  • Linda Hawkins, chair, linda@purdue.edu
  • Bill Bennett
  • Donna Cackley
  • Jerry Day
  • Betty Hatfield
  • Michele Salla
  • Terry Wade
  • Judy Ware
  • Barb Welch

  • Marshall Martin (ex-officio)
  • Charlene Sullivan (ex-officio)

Purdue retirees and spouses are eligible for membership in this or any other PURA committee. Appointments are for a three-year term with membership limited to six consecutive years (two three-year terms). Anyone interested in joining this or any other committee should contact the committee chair.


Last Updated: July 2024