Hello Fellow PURA Members, As you are probably aware, we have been publishing an abbreviated version of our PURA Newsletter for the past several months. This began due to the unfortunate loss of key players from our Communication Committee after years of excellent and dedicated service to the committee. During this time, the Executive Board has been discussing a path forward. A survey was published in the March Newsletter seeking input from our membership on how individuals prefer to receive the Newsletter and other PURA information. Approximately 50 people completed the survey. The results indicated that most people prefer to receive information via email. Having received this input, the Executive Board has decided to move forward with communication by emails that highlight:
- Upcoming events
- Insurance and parking updates
- Requests for donations to PURA scholarships/endowments (Purdue Day of Giving and End of Year)
- Tours
- Special announcements
These emails will replace the monthly newsletter. We will continue to update the website as needed. Tom Robertson PURA President 2023-2024 www.purdue.edu/retirees