Get the latest news about the innovative work being done by Purdue researchers and alumni to push space exploration forward, plus learn more about the Boilermakers who were instrumental in the space program’s evolution.
Advancing Space Exploration at Purdue
Asteroid sample science hints at an ancient salt lake and conditions in the early solar system
Purdue College of Engineering News
William Flaherty: the Olympic skiing rocketeer
Mars crater named for Jay Melosh
Purdue News
Space is for everyone: Marc and Sharon Hagle create SpaceKids Global
Purdue Aeronautics and Astronautics
Solar system asteroid named after AAE professor Kathleen Howell
Purdue invites grade-schoolers for STEM activities and to meet astronaut Jerry Ross
Purdue hosts inaugural space policy symposium
Fluid mechanics to help model the brain fluids of astronauts
This Is Purdue podcast
Go behind the scenes of “Boilers to Mars”
Completed experiments on International Space Station to help answer how boiling and condensation work in space
Purdue and NASA plant the seeds for lunar agriculture
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