Spring Forward

It's not uncommon for students to struggle with the transition to college, and Purdue is here to help you thrive as a Boilermaker!  Spring Forward is a spring academic support program for students whose fall semester didn't go as planned.  The program includes thoughtful exercises and advisor support designed to help you examine the causes of your particular academic situation, calculate the grades you'll need to get off academic notice quickly, set realistic goals, and build back your confidence.

Why Spring Forward?

  • Create a customized plan to help you thrive at Purdue.
  • Accountability through regular meetings with your academic advisor
  • Earn up to $1,500 in summer scholarship money toward summer courses at Purdue University West Lafayette and Indianapolis

"I would first like to start by saying that out of everything that helped me this semester, the Spring Forward program has been the most dependable and the most consistently helpful in every way possible. It feels so much more personal compared to peer coaching and helps at a completely different level. It feels like I have someone who is experienced and knowledgeable on my side to help me figure out what is in the way of my goals and how to overcome these hurdles. At times it almost felt like having a cheerleader to support me when things were going well or not well, which really helped me build confidence and reinforce my determination from beginning to end of the semester." - Engineering Student

What do I need to do to earn the Spring Forward Scholarship?

  • Apply for the Spring Forward program (the priority deadline is Jan. 10 and the final deadline is Jan. 24)
    • Students will be notified of their program placement (either the accepted or waitlist) 
  • Be selected to participate in the program
  • Meet with your academic advisor at least 3 times during the spring semester (Jan. - April 11). The first meeting needs to be completed by Feb. 7
  • In the first meeting, complete the spring forward success worksheet with your academic advisor and be on pace to complete all components of your customized plan by April 11
  • Enroll in at least 3 credit hours of online or on-campus coursework through Purdue University West Lafayette or Indianapolis for Summer 2025 by April 11 
    • If you are selected to participate in the program and fail to register for summer classes by April 11, your spot will go to a person on the waitlist
  • This program is open only to Purdue University West Lafayette and Indianapolis undergraduate students.

How do I apply?

The 2025 Spring Forward application will open after Fall 2024 grades are posted. Space in the program is limited and preference will go to first and second-year students, but all students are eligible to apply. Junior and Senior students will be placed on a waitlist. Apply today!

Apply Now


What is academic notice?

Students are placed on academic notice if their semester GPA or cumulative GPA is lower than 2.00 at the end of any fall or spring semester.

What impact do summer classes have on academic standing?

Your academic advisor can help you create a customized plan to best utilize summer classes. Some students use summer to retake difficult courses or take courses related to their interests to help boost their GPA before the fall semester.  It is important to note that you cannot be placed on academic notice due to summer grades, nor can you get off of notice due to summer grades.

Why is it important that I do well academically this spring?

Students on academic notice shall be academically dismissed from the University at the close of any fall or spring semester in which their semester and cumulative GPA are less than 2.00. 

How do I get off academic notice?

In order to return to good academic standing, students need to earn a semester GPA of 2.00 or higher and raise their cumulative GPA to 2.00 or higher.

What other resources are available to students on notice?

The Academic Success Center has created this page to help students identify resources and navigate the academic notice process.

What happens if I am academically dismissed from Purdue?

Students who are academically separated from the University for the first time are not eligible to apply for readmission for at least one fall or spring semester.  Generally, students must complete at least 12 credit hours of coursework at another university with grades of C or higher in all classes as a basic consideration for readmission.

What advice do advisors have for students on academic notice?

"Getting off academic notice means facing your mistakes.  I want students to repeat classes right away while some of the material is fresh in their minds. Don't put it off. GPA is all about numbers, so the sooner a student replaces a grade, the faster that GPA recovers.  I challenge the students to make a connection with their instructors. Visit them during office hours:  just to talk. Getting to know them and them knowing you creates accountability on the student's part to go to class and do well. Let's face it, professors put their pants on one leg at a time, just like the students, so don't be intimidated." TR Oneal, Purdue Polytechnic

How much scholarship money can I earn for Summer 2025?

Students may earn the following scholarship amounts by completing all Spring Forward components. $500 is enough to cover roughly half a class for Indiana residents and one-third of a class for nonresident/international students. $1,500 offers a sizeable discount for both Indiana residents and nonresident/international students. Students may also apply for additional need-based summer aid in their myPurdue portal. 

Residency  3-5 Summer Credits  6+ Summer Credits
Indiana Resident $500 $1,500
Domestic Nonresident $1,000 $1,500
International $1,000 $1,500
  • Spring Forward