TRAILS 2.0 offers a place-based learning context that enables students to explore their local environment and connect with STEM professionals from their region.

Students will study the physics behind different types of flight and using biomimicry design a simple flying machine.
Lesson focuses on students learning about how sustainability, biomimicry, and architecture can work together to create innovative and feasible housing solutions for those in need. Students will need to collect information on the complications that people encounter when faced with
This unit takes biological phenomena such as transpiration of plants, laws of thermodynamics, animal behavior and regulation of body temperature, to create innovative, eco-friendly housing and landscape designs. This unit specifically focuses on the need for sustainable development by implementing
Students will model photosynthesis and energy transfer, examine human influence on pollinators, and learn bee behavior in order to understand why pollination is important to ecology and food production.  Through the design process, using biomimicry and 3D printers, students will

This project is supported by the National Science Foundation, award # DRL – 2148781 (Purdue University) / 2148782 (University of Hawaii). Any opinions, and findings expressed in this material are the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF.

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