Student Fee Rates Footnotes — 2023-2024
- Fees for students who withdraw or drop courses from Purdue University shall be prorated based upon the schedule provided at PWL:
PNW: - Rates apply to audited courses as well as to courses for credit.
- Student Fitness and Wellness Fee and the Student Activity Fee are not charged to Part-time (including Veterinary Medicine per credit hour assessed students) and Statewide Technology students. These fees are refundable. Remittances will not be applied towards the Student Fitness and Wellness Fee or the Student Activity Fee. Students not charged Student Fitness and Wellness Fee and Student Activity Fee will pay a user fee if the student uses the Rec Sports facility.
- Except for Honors College, students with dual degrees will be charged the higher of the two differential fees. Honors College students will be assessed in addition to other differential.
- Regular Fall/Spring semester part-time students enrolled in 1-7 credit hours, except Veterinary Medicine, will be assessed per semester the part-time per-credit rate or equivalent and a percentage of the approved differential general service fee based on the following hours: 1-3 hours=25%, 4-7 hours=50%, 8 hours and above=100%. Veterinary Medicine Fall/Spring semester students enrolled in 1-11 credit hours* will be assessed the part-time per-credit rate and the per-credit rate differential general service fee based on the Veterinary Medicine page of this Student Fee Schedule. *(1-11 credit hour rates are applicable for Veterinary Medicine students when there are extenuating circumstances only — Department Approval Required. All other Veterinary Medicine students are full-time at (eight) 8 credit hours and above.)
- Summer Term students, except PharmD, Graduate Athletic Training and Veterinary Medicine (non-trimester program), will be assessed the Undergraduate/Graduate regular summer approved rates as included in this Student Fee Schedule, and a percentage of the approved differential general service fee based on the following hours: 1-5 hours=25%, 6-9 hours=50%, 10 hours and above=100%. PharmD summer, Graduate Athletic Training summer and Veterinary Medicine summer (non-trimester) students will be assessed the Undergraduate/Graduate regular summer approved rates as included in this Student Fee Schedule but will not be assessed the differential general service fee.
- This is a market-based fee increment for a Professional Master’s Program developed through a rate approval process when the program is established.
- These rates apply to all Polytechnic Statewide locations, unless they are affiliated with another academic institution.
- Lab fees are based on a standard number of hours required to complete training. Any additional hours will be billed based upon approved proficiency rates.
- Purdue Fort Wayne students who do not reside in Indiana may be eligible for reduced tuition fees for select states of residence. Students enrolled in the Midwest Student Exchange Program (MSEP) program or who are residents in Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, and Kentucky will be eligible to receive a tuition rate that is 150% of the cost of in-state tuition. Students who live in qualifying Ohio counties are charged in-state tuition. Purdue University Northwest does not participate in MSEP but will allow MSEP students continuously enrolled to remain in MSEP status. https://www/
- Purdue Fort Wayne nonresident domestic undergraduate students that are enrolled in for credit online only programs, will be eligible to receive a tuition rate that is 150% of the cost of in-state tuition.
- This rate applies to Purdue Northwest Domestic Nonresident students enrolled prior to Fall 2018 and all International students.
- Purdue University Northwest Fall/Spring semester part-time Undergraduate students enrolled in less than 12 credit hours in Business, Engineering, Technology, or Nursing programs will be assessed per semester the part-time per credit rate or equivalent and a reduced differential general service fee based on the enrolled program. (For 2023-2024: Business=$225.21/semester, Engineering=$298.44/semester, Nursing=$225.21/semester, Technology=$253.38/semester). (For 2024-2025: Business=$231.97/semester, Engineering=$307.40/semester, Nursing=$231.91/semester, Technology=$260.98/semester). Summer semester will be assessed the part-time rate.
- Purdue University Northwest Fall/Spring semester part-time Graduate students enrolled in less than eight (8) credit hours in Business, Engineering, Technology, or Nursing programs will be assessed per semester the part-time per credit rate or equivalent and a reduced differential general service fee based on the enrolled program. (For 2023-2024: Business=$281.50/semester, Engineering=$326.60/semester, Nursing=$281.50/semester, Technology=$281.50/semester). (For 2024-2025: Business=$289.95/semester, Engineering=$336.40/semester, Nursing=$289.95/semester, Technology=$289.95/semester). Summer semester will be assessed the part-time rate.
- The Instructional Material Fee is a flat rate fee which covers texts and courseware. The charge is $299 Fall/Spring semester and $175 Summer semester. Student must select to opt out of this charge by contacting the bursar office. The fee is subject to change based on the prior year instructional material adoption.
- Children of Staff, Spouse of Staff, and Spouse of Official Retiree also will be required to pay all applicable special fees including deposits, workshop, laboratory, and differential fees. Children of Staff, Spouse of Staff, and Spouse of an Official Retiree who do not reside in the State of Indiana will also be charged nonresident tuition on all campuses if staff member is not paying income taxes to the State of Indiana. These same three groups of students, West Lafayette undergraduate only, will also be charged the International Student Tuition (if applicable). Spouse of Staff (per Policy II.D.3) enrolled as nonresident students may have the nonresident tuition remitted. Children of Staff rates apply only to undergraduate students.
- Undergraduate Children of Staff (West Lafayette only) will be required to pay the full-time rate when credit hours are over seven (7) per semester for the Fall/Spring semesters and over five (5) credit for summer. Spouse of Staff and Spouse of an Official Retiree will be required to pay the regular fee rate for each undergraduate or graduate hour over the maximum (per Policy II.D.3). Children of Staff rates apply only to undergraduate students.
- Staff will be required to pay all applicable special fees including deposits, workshop, laboratory and differential fees. All staff will pay the full resident/nonresident tuition amount on the credit hours over the maximum. Audited courses are assessed for all applicable special fees including deposits, workshop, laboratory, and differential fees only (per Policy II.D.3).
- The Summer rate is one-half of the Fall/Spring semester rate.
- At West Lafayette, students also will pay all applicable special fees including deposits, workshop, laboratory and differential fees per semester.
- Graduate School Fellows consist of the following: Fredrick N. Andrews, George Washington Carver, Lynn, Purdue Doctoral, Ross, Charles C. Chappelle, Bilsland Dissertation, Nick Puskas, David M. Knox, Ludwig Kruhe, and Bilsand Strategic Initiative.
- These rates are applicable for students that qualify for the Graduate Tuition Scholarship Fee.
- Spouse of Graduate Staff will also pay all applicable special fees including deposits, workshop, laboratory and differential fees per semester. Per Policy II.D.3, Spouse of Graduate Staff enrolled as a nonresident students may have the nonresident tuition remitted. West Lafayette undergraduate only will also be charged the International Student Tuition (if applicable).
- University Residences Staff Residents and Resident Assistants Undergraduate and Graduate Summer fee rates will be one-half of the Fall/Spring semesters. West Lafayette undergraduate only will also will be charged the International Student Tuition (if applicable).
- International Student fee is not applicable for students who are enrolled in 100% Online- Purdue Online programs. This fee is applicable to graduate level international students as well as those international students in the Professional Master’s Programs. Effective Fall 2021, Undergraduate international student tuition includes the international student fee. Undergraduate international students are no longer charged a separate international fee.
- The Late Graduation Deadline fee (West Lafayette/Northwest graduate students only) is applicable for late arrival of the Electronic Plan of Study to the Graduate School, late declaration of degree candidacy, late deposit of a thesis or dissertation, updating/correcting a thesis or dissertation after it has been deposited, or listing on the Graduate School’s candidate roster for the same degree three or more consecutive sessions.
- Dual Credit Program refers to high school students taking a course taught by high school faculty at the high school. Dual Credit Priority Only Course rates will be set by the Indiana Commission for Higher Education. (Note: Concurrent Enrollment Program refers to high school students taking a course taught by our Purdue faculty (regardless of site or location). The fees for concurrent enrollment programs will be assessed at the regular part-time credit hour rates as included in this Student Fee Schedule.)
- For West Lafayette, Lab Course fees will be implemented selectively based on criteria approved by the Purdue Provost and Treasurer. For a Regional Campus, Lab Course fees will be implemented selectively based on criteria approved by the Regional Campus Chancellor or their designee.
- The Non Instructional Rate will be charged to students registered at non Purdue sites using Purdue facilities. This per semester rate includes Student Fitness and Wellness Fee, and Student Activity Fee. In addition, a charge for Student Health Center Fee will be assessed.
- Effective Fall 2021 those enrolled in Graduate Purdue Online courses and Professional Masters Programs will be charged an infrastructure Fee of $18.80 per credit hour in lieu of the Technology Fee ($7.55 per CH) and Repair & Rehabilitation Fee ($11.25 per CH) charged prior to Fall 2021.
- Payment of the application fee for a graduate certificate or degree-seeking program at PFW, PNW or PWL enables the applicant to apply, within a one-year period, to one graduate program at each of the other two campuses at no cost. Non-degree applicants to the Graduate School do not pay an application fee.
- Undergraduate admission deposits will be applied towards tuition or related fees. For new students who apply for housing, $200 of the deposit will apply towards application fees for residence with University housing. All admission deposits are nonrefundable.
- Digital text fees are subject to cost-based variable pricing annually. New digital material fees will be applied only if a biennium fee schedule request is made.
(All University fees are subject to change without notice.)