PharmD and Vet Med Graduate Tuition and Fees — 2024-2025

See below for access to detailed information regarding Purdue tuition, rates and fees for graduate students, including summer, fall/spring and winter rate information as well as other case-specific fees that may not be included with the seasonal fee information.

Billed ExpensesPer SemesterAcademic Year Cost
General Service$ 4,859.00$ 9,718.00
Student Fitness and Wellness Fee3$ 117.00$ 234.00
Student Activity Fee3$ 20.00$ 40.00
Professional Course Fee$ 140.00$ 280.00
Differential General Service6$ 6,012.00$ 12,024.00
Sub-Total Tuition:$ 11,148.00$ 22,296.00
Housing/Food**$ 6,410.00$ 12,820.00
Sub-Total Tuition and Housing:$ 17,558.00$ 35,116.00
**Estimated On-Campus Housing/Food is a billed expense estimated at $12,820 for the academic year; Off-Campus Housing/Food is not a billed expense and is estimated at $12,820 for the academic year. Students who live with parents and commute will receive a smaller allowance.
Other Estimated Expenses (not billed through Bursar)
Books/Course Materials/Supplies/Equipment$ 275.00$ 550.00
Transportation***$ 90.00$ 180.00
Miscellaneous/Federal Student Loan Fees****$ 1,250.00$ 2,500.00
Sub-Total Est Expenses: $ 1,615.00$ 3,230.00
Total Tuition, Housing & Misc Exp$ 19,173.00$ 38,346.00
***Transportation cost may vary depending on the student’s permanent geographic location.
****Costs vary. Loan fees apply if the student is receiving federal loans of any kind.
Billed ExpensesPer SemesterAcademic Year Cost
General Service$ 4,859.00$ 9,718.00
Student Fitness and Wellness Fee3$ 117.00$ 234.00
Student Activity Fee3$ 20.00$ 40.00
Differential General Service6$ 6,640.00$ 13,280.00
Sub-Total Tuition:$ 11,636.00$ 23,272.00
Housing/Food**$ 6,410.00$ 12,820.00
Sub-Total Tuition and Housing:$ 18,046.00$ 36,092.00
**Estimated On-Campus Housing/Food is a billed expense estimated at $12,820 for the academic year; Off-Campus Housing/Food is not a billed expense and is estimated at $12,820 for the academic year. Students who live with parents and commute will receive a smaller allowance.
Other Estimated Expenses (not billed through Bursar)
Books/Course Materials/Supplies/Equipment$ 275.00$ 550.00
Transportation***$ 90.00$ 180.00
Miscellaneous/Federal Student Loan Fees****$ 1,250.00$ 2,500.00
Sub-Total Est Expenses: $ 1,615.00$ 3,230.00
Total Tuition, Housing & Misc Exp$ 19,661.00$ 39,322.00
***Transportation cost may vary depending on the student’s permanent geographic location.
****Costs vary. Loan fees apply if the student is receiving federal loans of any kind.
Billed ExpensesPer SemesterAcademic Year Cost
General Service$ 4,859.00$ 9,718.00
Student Fitness and Wellness Fee3$ 117.00$ 234.00
Student Activity Fee3$ 20.00$ 40.00
Instructional Support Fee$ 250.00$ 500.00
Insurance Liability Fee (Fall Only)$ 13.00$ 13.00
Differential General Service4,5,6$ 4,713.00$ 9,426.00
Sub-Total Tuition:$ 9,972.00$ 19,931.00
Other Estimated Expenses (not billed through Bursar)
Housing/Food*$ 6,410.00$ 12,820.00
Books/Course Materials/Supplies/Equipment**$ 1,300.00$ 2,600.00
Transportation***$ 90.00$ 180.00
Miscellaneous/Federal Student Loan Fees****$ 1,250.00$ 2,500.00
Sub-Total Est Expenses: $ 9,050.00$ 18,100.00
Total Tuition, Housing & Misc Exp$ 19,022.00$ 38,031.00
*Estimated On-Campus Housing/Food is a billed expense estimated at $12,820 for the academic year; Off-Campus Housing/Food is not a billed expense and is estimated at $12,820 for the academic year. Students who live with parents and commute will receive a smaller allowance.
**Books are average over 4 years, first year books are $4,410.
***Transportation cost may vary depending on the student’s permanent geographic location. Students that fly to their homes will have higher estimated transportation costs.
****Costs vary. Loan fees apply if the student is receiving federal loans of any kind.
Billed ExpensesPer SemesterAcademic Year Cost
General Service$ 4,859.00$ 9,718.00
Student Fitness and Wellness Fee3$ 117.00$ 234.00
Student Activity Fee3$ 20.00$ 40.00
Differential General Service4,5,6$ 6,469.50$ 12,939.00
Sub-Total Tuition:$ 11,465.50$ 22,931.00
Other Estimated Expenses (not billed through Bursar)
Housing/Food*$ 6,410.00$ 12,820.00
Books/Course Materials/Supplies/Equipment**$ 1,300.00$ 2,600.00
Transportation***$ 90.00$ 180.00
Miscellaneous/Federal Student Loan Fees****$ 1,250.00$ 2,500.00
Sub-Total Est Expenses: $ 9,050.00$ 18,100.00
Total Tuition, Housing & Misc Exp$ 20,515.50$ 41,031.00
*Estimated On-Campus Housing/Food is a billed expense estimated at $12,820 for the academic year; Off-Campus Housing/Food is not a billed expense and is estimated at $12,820 for the academic year. Students who live with parents and commute will receive a smaller allowance.
**Books are average over 4 years, first year books are $4,410.
***Transportation cost may vary depending on the student’s permanent geographic location. Students that fly to their homes will have higher estimated transportation costs.
****Costs vary. Loan fees apply if the student is receiving federal loans of any kind.
Billed ExpensesPer SemesterAcademic Year Cost
General Service$ 3,630.84$ 7,261.68
Student Fitness and Wellness Fee3$ 117.00$ 234.00
Student Activity Fee3$ 20.00$ 40.00
Instructional Support Fee$ 250.00$ 500.00
Insurance Liability Fee (Fall Only)$ 13.00$ 13.00
Differential General Service4,5,6$ 3,142.16$ 6,284.32
Sub-Total Tuition:$ 7,173.00$ 14,333.00
*Licensure Fee for Academic Year is $1,025.00.
Other Estimated Expenses (not billed through Bursar)
Housing/Food*$ 5,920.00$ 11,840.00
Books/Course Materials/Supplies/Equipment**$ 1,850.00$ 3,700.00
Transportation***$ 80.00$ 160.00
Miscellaneous/Federal Student Loan Fees****$ 1,150.00$ 2,300.00
Sub-Total Est Expenses: $ 9,000.00$ 18,000.00
Total Tuition, Housing & Misc Exp$ 16,173.00$ 32,333.00
*Off-Campus Housing/Food is not a billed expense and is estimated at $11,840 for the academic year; estimated On-Campus Housing/Food is a billed expense estimated at $11,840 for the academic year. Students who live with parents and commute will receive a smaller allowance.
**Books are average over fall and spring semesters of the 4th year.
***Transportation cost may vary depending on the student’s geographic location. Students that fly to their homes will have higher estimated transportation costs.
****Costs vary. Loan fees apply if the student is receiving federal loans of any kind.
Billed ExpensesPer SemesterAcademic Year Cost
General Service$ 3,630.84$ 7,261.68
Student Fitness and Wellness Fee3$ 117.00$ 234.00
Student Activity Fee3$ 20.00$ 40.00
Differential General Service4,5,6$ 4,313.00$ 8,626.00
Sub-Total Tuition:$ 8,080.84$ 16,161.68
*Licensure Fee for Academic Year is $1,025.00.
Other Estimated Expenses (not billed through Bursar)
Housing/Food*$ 5,920.00$ 11,840.00
Books/Course Materials/Supplies/Equipment**$ 1,850.00$ 3,700.00
Transportation***$ 80.00$ 160.00
Miscellaneous/Federal Student Loan Fees****$ 1,150.00$ 2,300.00
Sub-Total Est Expenses: $ 9,000.00$ 18,000.00
Total Tuition, Housing & Misc Exp$ 17,080.84$ 34,161.68
*Off-Campus Housing/Food is not a billed expense and is estimated at $11,840 for the academic year; estimated On-Campus Housing/Food is a billed expense estimated at $11,840 for the academic year. Students who live with parents and commute will receive a smaller allowance.
**Books are average over fall and spring semesters of the 4th year.
***Transportation cost may vary depending on the student’s geographic location. Students that fly to their homes will have higher estimated transportation costs.
****Costs vary. Loan fees apply if the student is receiving federal loans of any kind.
Billed ExpensesPer SemesterAcademic Year Cost
General Service$ 4,859.00$ 9,718.00
Student Fitness and Wellness Fee3$ 117.00$ 234.00
Student Activity Fee3$ 20.00$ 40.00
Nonresident Tuition$ 9,130.00$ 18,260.00
Professional Course Fee$ 140.00$ 280.00
Differential General Service6$ 6,012.00$ 12,024.00
Sub-Total Tuition:$ 20,278.00$ 40,556.00
Housing/Food**$ 6,410.00$ 12,820.00
Sub-Total Tuition and Housing:$ 26,688.00$ 53,376.00
**Estimated On-Campus Housing/Food is a billed expense estimated at $12,820 for the academic year; Off-Campus Housing/Food is not a billed expense and is estimated at $12,820 for the academic year. Students who live with parents and commute will receive a smaller allowance.
Other Estimated Expenses (not billed through Bursar)
Books/Course Materials/Supplies/Equipment$ 275.00$ 550.00
Transportation***$ 195.00$ 390.00
Miscellaneous/Federal Student Loan Fees****$ 1,250.00$ 2,500.00
Sub-Total Est Expenses: $ 1,720.00$ 3,440.00
Total Tuition, Housing & Misc Exp$ 28,408.00$ 56,816.00
***Transportation cost for off-campus students is $510 per semester. Students that fly to their homes will have higher estimated transportation costs.
****Costs vary. Loan fees apply if the student is receiving federal loans of any kind.
Billed ExpensesPer SemesterAcademic Year Cost
General Service$ 4,859.00$ 9,718.00
Student Fitness and Wellness Fee3$ 117.00$ 234.00
Student Activity Fee3$ 20.00$ 40.00
Nonresident Tuition$ 9,130.00$ 18,260.00
Differential General Service6$ 6,640.00$ 13,280.00
Sub-Total Tuition:$ 20,766.00$ 41,532.00
Housing/Food**$ 6,410.00$ 12,820.00
Sub-Total Tuition and Housing:$ 27,176.00$ 54,352.00
**Estimated On-Campus Housing/Food is a billed expense estimated at $12,820 for the academic year; Off-Campus Housing/Food is not a billed expense and is estimated at $12,820 for the academic year. Students who live with parents and commute will receive a smaller allowance.
Other Estimated Expenses (not billed through Bursar)
Books/Course Materials/Supplies/Equipment$ 275.00$ 550.00
Transportation***$ 195.00$ 390.00
Miscellaneous/Federal Student Loan Fees****$ 1,250.00$ 2,500.00
Sub-Total Est Expenses: $ 1,720.00$ 3,440.00
Total Tuition, Housing & Misc Exp$ 28,896.00$ 57,792.00
***Transportation cost for off-campus students is $510 per semester. Students that fly to their homes will have higher estimated transportation costs.
****Costs vary. Loan fees apply if the student is receiving federal loans of any kind.
Billed ExpensesPer SemesterAcademic Year Cost
General Service$ 4,859.00$ 9,718.00
Student Fitness and Wellness Fee3$ 117.00$ 234.00
Student Activity Fee3$ 20.00$ 40.00
Nonresident Tuition$ 12,414.00$ 24,828.00
Instructional Support Fee$ 250.00$ 500.00
Insurance Liability Fee (Fall Only)$ 13.00$ 13.00
Differential General Service4,5,6$ 4,713.00$ 9,426.00
Sub-Total Tuition:$ 22,386.00$ 44,759.00

Other Estimated Expenses (not billed through Bursar)

Housing/Food*$ 6,410.00$ 12,820.00
Books/Course Materials/Supplies/Equipment**$ 1,300.00$ 2,600.00
Transportation***$ 195.00$ 390.00
Miscellaneous/Federal Student Loan Fees****$ 1,250.00$ 2,500.00
Sub-Total Est Expenses: $ 9,155.00$ 18,310.00
Total Tuition, Housing & Misc Exp$ 31,541.00$ 63,069.00
*Estimated On-Campus Housing/Food is a billed expense estimated at $12,820 for the academic year; Off-Campus Housing/Food is not a billed expense and is estimated at $12,820 for the academic year. Students who live with parents and commute will receive a smaller allowance.
**Books are average over 2 – 4 years, first year books are $4,410.
***Transportation cost may vary depending on the student’s geographic location. Students that fly to their homes will have higher estimated transportation costs.
****Costs vary. Loan fees apply if the student is receiving federal loans of any kind.
Billed ExpensesPer SemesterAcademic Year Cost
General Service$ 4,859.00$ 9,718.00
Student Fitness and Wellness Fee3$ 117.00$ 234.00
Student Activity Fee3$ 20.00$ 40.00
Nonresident Tuition$ 12,414.00$ 24,828.00
Differential General Service4,5,6$ 6,469.50$ 12,939.00
Sub-Total Tuition:$ 23,879.50$ 47,759.00

Other Estimated Expenses (not billed through Bursar)

Housing/Food*$ 6,410.00$ 12,820.00
Books/Course Materials/Supplies/Equipment**$ 1,300.00$ 2,600.00
Transportation***$ 195.00$ 390.00
Miscellaneous/Federal Student Loan Fees****$ 1,250.00$ 2,500.00
Sub-Total Est Expenses: $ 9,155.00$ 18,310.00
Total Tuition, Housing & Misc Exp$ 33,034.50$ 66,069.00
*Estimated On-Campus Housing/Food is a billed expense estimated at $12,820 for the academic year; Off-Campus Housing/Food is not a billed expense and is estimated at $12,820 for the academic year. Students who live with parents and commute will receive a smaller allowance.
**Books are average over 2 – 4 years, first year books are $4,410.
***Transportation cost may vary depending on the student’s geographic location. Students that fly to their homes will have higher estimated transportation costs.
****Costs vary. Loan fees apply if the student is receiving federal loans of any kind.
Billed ExpensesPer SemesterAcademic Year Cost
General Service$ 3,630.84$ 7,261.68
Student Fitness and Wellness Fee3$ 117.00$ 234.00
Student Activity Fee3$ 20.00$ 40.00
Instructional Support Fee$ 250.00$ 500.00
Insurance Liability Fee (Fall Only)$ 13.00$ 13.00
Nonresident Tuition$ 8,291.00$ 16,582.00
Differential General Service4,5,6$ 3,142.16$ 6,284.32
Sub-Total Tuition:$ 15,464.00$ 30,915.00
*Licensure Fee for Academic Year is $1,025.00.

Other Estimated Expenses (not billed through Bursar)

Housing/Food*$ 5,920.00$ 11,840.00
Books/Course Materials/Supplies/Equipment**$ 1,850.00$ 3,700.00
Transportation***$ 180.00$ 360.00
Miscellaneous/Federal Student Loan Fees****$ 1,220.00$ 2,440.00
Sub-Total Est Expenses: $ 9,170.00$ 18,340.00
Total Tuition, Housing & Misc Exp$ 24,634.00$ 49,255.00
*Off-Campus Housing/Food is not a billed expense and is estimated at $11,840 for the academic year; estimated On-Campus Housing/Food is a billed expense estimated at $11,840 for the academic year. Students who live with parents and commute will receive a smaller allowance.
**Books are average over fall and spring semesters of the 4th year.
***Transportation cost may vary depending on the student’s geographic location. Students that fly to their homes will have higher estimated transportation costs.
****Costs vary. Loan fees apply if the student is receiving federal loans of any kind.
Billed ExpensesPer SemesterAcademic Year Cost
General Service$ 3,630.84$ 7,261.68
Student Fitness and Wellness Fee3$ 117.00$ 234.00
Student Activity Fee3$ 20.00$ 40.00
Nonresident Tuition$ 8,291.00$ 16,582.00
Differential General Service4,5,6$ 4,313.00$ 8,626.00
Sub-Total Tuition:$ 16,371.84$ 32,743.68
*Licensure Fee for Academic Year is $1,025.00.

Other Estimated Expenses (not billed through Bursar)

Housing/Food*$ 5,920.00$ 11,840.00
Books/Course Materials/Supplies/Equipment**$ 1,850.00$ 3,700.00
Transportation***$ 180.00$ 360.00
Miscellaneous/Federal Student Loan Fees****$ 1,150.00$ 2,300.00
Sub-Total Est Expenses: $ 9,100.00$ 18,200.00
Total Tuition, Housing & Misc Exp$ 25,471.84$ 50,943.68
*Off-Campus Housing/Food is not a billed expense and is estimated at $11,840 for the academic year; estimated On-Campus Housing/Food is a billed expense estimated at $11,840 for the academic year. Students who live with parents and commute will receive a smaller allowance.
**Books are average over fall and spring semesters of the 4th year.
***Transportation cost may vary depending on the student’s geographic location. Students that fly to their homes will have higher estimated transportation costs.
****Costs vary. Loan fees apply if the student is receiving federal loans of any kind.

NOTE: International Students will be assessed a $155 flat fee each semester in addition to program rates listed below.

Billed ExpensesPer SemesterAcademic Year Cost
General Service$ 4,859.00$ 9,718.00
Student Fitness and Wellness Fee3$ 117.00$ 234.00
Student Activity Fee3$ 20.00$ 40.00
Nonresident Tuition$ 9,130.00$ 18,260.00
International Fee$ 155.00$ 310.00
Professional Course Fee$ 140.00$ 280.00
Differential General Service6$ 6,012.00$ 12,024.00
Sub-Total Tuition:$ 20,433.00$ 40,866.00
Housing/Food**$ 6,410.00$ 12,820.00
Sub-Total Tuition and Housing:$ 26,843.00$ 53,686.00
**Estimated On-Campus Housing/Food is a billed expense estimated at $12,820 for the academic year; Off-Campus Housing/Food is not a billed expense and is estimated at $12,820 for the academic year. Students who live with parents and commute will receive a smaller allowance.
Other Estimated Expenses (not billed through Bursar)
Books/Course Materials/Supplies/Equipment$ 275.00$ 550.00
Transportation***$ 195.00$ 390.00
Miscellaneous/Federal Student Loan Fees****$ 1,250.00$ 2,500.00
Sub-Total Est Expenses: $ 1,720.00$ 3,440.00
Total Tuition, Housing & Misc Exp$ 28,563.00$ 57,126.00
***Transportation cost for off-campus students is $510 per semester. Students that fly to their homes will have higher estimated transportation costs.
****Costs vary. Loan fees apply if the student is receiving federal loans of any kind.
Billed ExpensesPer SemesterAcademic Year Cost
General Service$ 4,859.00$ 9,718.00
Student Fitness and Wellness Fee3$ 117.00$ 234.00
Student Activity Fee3$ 20.00$ 40.00
Nonresident Tuition$ 9,130.00$ 18,2602.00
International Fee$ 155.00$ 310.00
Differential General Service6$ 6,640.00$ 13,280.00
Sub-Total Tuition:$ 20,921.00$ 41,842.00
Housing/Food**$ 6,410.00$ 12,820.00
Sub-Total Tuition and Housing:$ 27,331.00$ 54,662.00
**Estimated On-Campus Housing/Food is a billed expense estimated at $12,820 for the academic year; Off-Campus Housing/Food is not a billed expense and is estimated at $12,820 for the academic year. Students who live with parents and commute will receive a smaller allowance.
Other Estimated Expenses (not billed through Bursar)
Books/Course Materials/Supplies/Equipment$ 275.00$ 550.00
Transportation***$ 195.00$ 390.00
Miscellaneous/Federal Student Loan Fees****$ 1,250.00$ 2,500.00
Sub-Total Est Expenses: $ 1,720.00$ 3,440.00
Total Tuition, Housing & Misc Exp$ 29,051.00$ 58,102.00
***Transportation cost for off-campus students is $510 per semester. Students that fly to their homes will have higher estimated transportation costs.
****Costs vary. Loan fees apply if the student is receiving federal loans of any kind.
Billed ExpensesPer SemesterAcademic Year Cost
General Service$ 4,859.00$ 9,718.00
Student Fitness and Wellness Fee3$ 117.00$ 234.00
Student Activity Fee3$ 20.00$ 40.00
Nonresident Tuition$ 12,414.00$ 24,828.00
Instructional Support Fee$ 250.00$ 500.00
Insurance Liability Fee (Fall Only)$ 13.00$ 13.00
Differential General Service4,5,6$ 4,713.00$ 9,426.00
Sub-Total Tuition:$ 22,386.00$ 44,759.00

Other Estimated Expenses (not billed through Bursar)

Housing/Food*$ 6,410.00$ 12,820.00
Books/Course Materials/Supplies/Equipment**$ 1,300.00$ 2,600.00
Transportation***$ 195.00$ 390.00
Miscellaneous/Federal Student Loan Fees****$ 1,250.00$ 2,500.00
Sub-Total Est Expenses: $ 9,155.00$ 18,310.00
Total Tuition, Housing & Misc Exp$ 31,541.00$ 63,069.00
*Estimated On-Campus Housing/Food is a billed expense estimated at $12,820 for the academic year; Off-Campus Housing/Food is not a billed expense and is estimated at $12,820 for the academic year. Students who live with parents and commute will receive a smaller allowance.
**Books are average over 2 – 4 years, first year books are $4,410.
***Transportation cost may vary depending on the student’s geographic location. Students that fly to their homes will have higher estimated transportation costs.
****Costs vary. Loan fees apply if the student is receiving federal loans of any kind.
Billed ExpensesPer SemesterAcademic Year Cost
General Service$ 4,859.00$ 9,718.00
Student Fitness and Wellness Fee3$ 117.00$ 234.00
Student Activity Fee3$ 20.00$ 40.00
Nonresident Tuition$ 12,414.00$ 24,828.00
Differential General Service4,5,6$ 6,469.50$ 12,939.00
Sub-Total Tuition:$ 23,879.50$ 47,759.00

Other Estimated Expenses (not billed through Bursar)

Housing/Food*$ 6,410.00$ 12,820.00
Books/Course Materials/Supplies/Equipment**$ 1,300.00$ 2,600.00
Transportation***$ 195.00$ 390.00
Miscellaneous/Federal Student Loan Fees****$ 1,250.00$ 2,500.00
Sub-Total Est Expenses: $ 9,155.00$ 18,310.00
Total Tuition, Housing & Misc Exp$ 33,034.50$ 66,069.00
*Estimated On-Campus Housing/Food is a billed expense estimated at $12,820 for the academic year; Off-Campus Housing/Food is not a billed expense and is estimated at $12,820 for the academic year. Students who live with parents and commute will receive a smaller allowance.
**Books are average over 2 – 4 years, first year books are $4,410.
***Transportation cost may vary depending on the student’s geographic location. Students that fly to their homes will have higher estimated transportation costs.
****Costs vary. Loan fees apply if the student is receiving federal loans of any kind.
Billed ExpensesPer SemesterAcademic Year Cost
General Service$ 3,630.84$ 7,261.68
Student Fitness and Wellness Fee3$ 117.00$ 234.00
Student Activity Fee3$ 20.00$ 40.00
Instructional Support Fee$ 250.00$ 500.00
Insurance Liability Fee (Fall Only)$ 13.00$ 13.00
Nonresident Tuition$ 8,291.00$ 16,582.00
Differential General Service4,5,6$ 3,142.16$ 6,284.32
Sub-Total Tuition:$ 15,464.00$ 30,915.00
*Licensure Fee for Academic Year is $1,025.00.

Other Estimated Expenses (not billed through Bursar)

Housing/Food*$ 5,920.00$ 11,840.00
Books/Course Materials/Supplies/Equipment**$ 1,850.00$ 3,700.00
Transportation***$ 180.00$ 360.00
Miscellaneous/Federal Student Loan Fees****$ 1,220.00$ 2,440.00
Sub-Total Est Expenses: $ 9,170.00$ 18,340.00
Total Tuition, Housing & Misc Exp$ 24,634.00$ 49,255.00
*Off-Campus Housing/Food is not a billed expense and is estimated at $11,840 for the academic year; estimated On-Campus Housing/Food is a billed expense estimated at $11,840 for the academic year. Students who live with parents and commute will receive a smaller allowance.
**Books are average over fall and spring semesters of the 4th year.
***Transportation cost may vary depending on the student’s geographic location. Students that fly to their homes will have higher estimated transportation costs.
****Costs vary. Loan fees apply if the student is receiving federal loans of any kind.
Billed ExpensesPer SemesterAcademic Year Cost
General Service$ 3,630.84$ 7,261.68
Student Fitness and Wellness Fee3$ 117.00$ 234.00
Student Activity Fee3$ 20.00$ 40.00
Nonresident Tuition$ 8,291.00$ 16,582.00
Differential General Service4,5,6$ 4,313.00$ 8,626.00
Sub-Total Tuition:$ 16,371.84$ 32,743.68
*Licensure Fee for Academic Year is $1,025.00.

Other Estimated Expenses (not billed through Bursar)

Housing/Food*$ 5,920.00$ 11,840.00
Books/Course Materials/Supplies/Equipment**$ 1,850.00$ 3,700.00
Transportation***$ 180.00$ 360.00
Miscellaneous/Federal Student Loan Fees****$ 1,150.00$ 2,300.00
Sub-Total Est Expenses: $ 9,100.00$ 18,200.00
Total Tuition, Housing & Misc Exp$ 25,471.84$ 50,943.68
*Off-Campus Housing/Food is not a billed expense and is estimated at $11,840 for the academic year; estimated On-Campus Housing/Food is a billed expense estimated at $11,840 for the academic year. Students who live with parents and commute will receive a smaller allowance.
**Books are average over fall and spring semesters of the 4th year.
***Transportation cost may vary depending on the student’s geographic location. Students that fly to their homes will have higher estimated transportation costs.
****Costs vary. Loan fees apply if the student is receiving federal loans of any kind.