Purdue University Tuition Refund Policy

Students are required to pay all, or a portion, of their tuition and fees for any registered course unless the student drops all registered courses prior to the start of university classes for the term. If a student drops their full registration prior to the start of university classes, 100% of the tuition and fees will be reversed.

How to drop my courses if I have a hold:

Once the term has commenced, students will no longer be able to drop their last course:

  • A student who wishes to withdraw from Purdue during any semester or summer session must do so through the withdrawal procedures laid out by the Office of the Dean of Students which can be found here: https://www.purdue.edu/advocacy/students/withdrawal.html
  • Your Official Withdrawal date occurs on the calendar day that the withdrawal is requested online or in person through the Office of the Dean of Students. The university provides a pro-rated refund for students withdrawing within the first six weeks of classes during the fall and spring semesters. Please see the table below for information regarding refunds.

Students who withdraw from Purdue University during the fall and spring semesters will receive a prorated assessment of tuition and fees according to the following schedule.

Fall & Spring Term Full 16 Week Semester Courses:

Description: Before classes begin
Refund %: 100%
Description: Withdraw during first week of classes
Refund %: 100%
Description: Withdraw during second week of classes
Refund %: 80%
Description: Withdraw during third & fourth week of classes
Refund %: 60%
Description: Withdraw during fifth & sixth week of classes
Refund %: 40%
Description: After the sixth week of class
Refund %: 0%
DescriptionRefund %
Before classes begin100%
Withdraw during first week of classes100%
Withdraw during second week of classes80%
Withdraw during third & fourth week of classes60%
Withdraw during fifth & sixth week of classes40%
After the sixth week of class0%

The Summer Refund Policy is dependent on the session in which the student withdraws during the summer semester and the start date of your particular course(s). For more detailed information on refunds for full withdrawals by term (including dates) please click here and select ‘Drop/Add Refund & Deadline Calendars’.   If you have a course with specialized start / end dates you may want to refer to the Short Course Drop/Add Refund Dates.

If you have any questions, please feel free to follow up with your

  • Advisor
  • Office of the Registrar (registrar@purdue.edu)
  • Office of the Bursar (askbursar@purdue.edu)
  • If you have Federal Title IV Aid (Loans / Grants / Scholarships) we highly recommend that you consult with the Division of Financial Aid regarding the impact of Purdue University refunds, withdrawals and course drops on your Federal Financial Aid, please visit Financial Aid Policies & Appeals.

Important Notes:

  • All courses dropped within 10 calendar days of a full withdrawal from Purdue will be included in the calculation when determining the amount for which a student will be responsible when withdrawing from the University.
  • Students who drop individual courses without withdrawing entirely from Purdue before the sixth week of class may expect that tuition will be adjusted to the most recent credit hour enrollment. No tuition adjustments will be made to individual course drops after the sixth week of enrollment.
    • NOTE: Special course fees are nonrefundable after the first week of classes.
  • Refunds are calculated on the nonresident tuition (if applicable) and the general service portion of the fees.
  • Refunds of any payment activity are made via direct deposit only. Students are encouraged to set up direct deposit on their student account.

Grad Guard

Is your family prepared for the unexpected after classes begin? Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with GradGuard’s™ Tuition Protection Plan.

We believe it’s important to offer an easy, affordable way to protect the investment your family has made in higher education. That’s why Purdue University has negotiated with GradGuard to provide families tuition insurance with special plans and rates not available to the general public.

This coverage expands the scope of the University’s refund policy by ensuring reimbursement for tuition, room and board, and other fees for covered withdrawals at any time during the semester. Plans also include Student Life Assistance, a 24-hour emergency hotline that offers students and parents even greater peace of mind.

At Purdue, we want the best for our students, and GradGuard is the national leader in tuition insurance —partnering with over 300 college campuses nationwide to help families protect their tuition payments and more each year.

Click on the Banner above for more information.