Property Accounting

The department of Property Accounting is responsible for the accounting controls, records, operations, and reporting for all moveable capital equipment.  Capital equipment, known as assets, can be identified with inventory tags or having an original acquisition value greater than $5,000.  An inventory of capitalized moveable assets is performed and maintained by Property Accounting staff with departmental cooperation.  The disposal of equipment acquired through the University by purchase, lease, donation, loan, etc… must have prior approval from Property Accounting.  

  • The Billboard – Instructions for Purdue’s advertising website for departments to advertise their excess to other Purdue University’s departments. 
  • Disposal procedures of Department Purdue Property – When a University Department decides they no longer have a use for a single or multiple items, all Purdue owned property must follow the disposal procedure for all excess.  
  • Capital Asset Listings – Information on how to request a list of moveable capital assets along with details on the fields you will see in your listing. 
  • Policy & Procedures – For more in-depth information on policies and responsibilities for capital assets to meet the Federal Government requirements.
  • Property Accounting Electronic Forms – There are multiple functions such as sending equipment to Purdue Warehouse & Surplus Store for sale or disposal, cannibalize by department, change in location, transfer to another department, report item stolen, donating to a non-profit organization, requesting to use University equipment off campus, change in asset funding, responding to an inventory reconciliation, etc…. that require an electronic form to be submitted. 
  • Property Accounting SAP Asset Module – Assets are updated daily as new capital equipment is acquired, moved, or disposed of.  You will find instructions on how to inquiry on an inventory number in the Asset Module of SAP.