Capital Asset Listings

You may request a list of capital assets by contacting Lisa Geisler, Property Accounting Manager by email listing what you need.  A standard SAP t-code for asset reporting that is not available to departments; however, the Property Department staff can run queries on assets and we are happy to assist you. 

Examples of requests that we receive 

  • Complete list of capital assets owned by department’s cost center.
  • A particular type of equipment example – description of item, model or manufacturer.
  • All capital assets for a professor or a particular contact staff member.
  • All capital assets at a particular location.
  • List of capital assets your department purchased for the past fiscal year.           

Below are details on fields you might see on the list of equipment that we send you based on your selected criteria.

AssetEvery inventory number has an assigned asset number from SAP.
Sub NumberFor each account that pays for the asset there is a sub number.
Inventory NumberAssigned inventory number by Property Accounting.                  
02xxxxx Equipment on loan – No tag
03xxxxx Special items that cannot be tagged – (ex. but not limited to) sensitive items, vehicles, physical size, location, etc.                          
05xxxxx Tagged – (older equipment)
06xxxxx Tagged – (older equipment)
07xxxxx Tagged – (older equipment)
08xxxxx Tagged – (older equipment)
09xxxxx Internal items to other equipment.  (The equipment to which they are internal to is called the Parent.)
1xxxxxx Tagged – (newest equipment)
Asset Description                 (Field Name TXT50)Description of asset
Asset Description                 (Field Name TXA50)This field lists information like the Parent number if the item is internal, Gift-n-Kind document number, and/or if the asset is Federal, State, Other or Sponsor Owned.
Type NameModel
Manufacturer of AssetManufacturer
Serial NumberSerial Number
Responsible Cost CenterDepartment currently retaining ownership of the asset.
Original ValueThe value of this asset with this funding source. (In the event multiple funding sources were used to purchase the item, each sub number’s value would need to be added together to determine the total original cost of the asset.)
Asset main no. textContact person for the asset. 
Cap. DateCapitalization Date
Funds CtrThe fund center that originally purchased the asset.
FundThe fund that originally purchased the asset.  The fund “83010000” was a default fund for accounts that didn’t convert in SAP from legacy system.
Cost OrderThe RIO or Internal Order that originally purchased the asset.
GrantThe grant number that originally purchased the asset.
Deact. DateThe date the asset was disposed.
Inv. DateThe last date with activity on the asset either when we tagged the asset with an inventory number or we scanned the item during our physical inventories.   Also it could be the date of a Form ECS – Equipment Change in Status when the item is to be disposed or sold by Purdue Surplus or a Form POC – Property Off Campus.
Inventory NoteThis field has multiple purposes like referencing a Form POC – Property Off Campus form or a Form ECS for assets going to Purdue Surplus for disposal/sale.  Also it identifies outstanding reconciliations of missing items from departments which are referenced starting with “C16 or C17” and the building that the item was last located in.
PIProperty Ownership (P – Purdue, F – Federal, I – Indiana University, O – Other, S – State) and also R – returned
BusABusiness Area
Current NBVCurrent net book value
Ord. Dep. FYSDepreciation at fiscal year start
Equipment ClassClass code assigned that identifies the type of asset which is used to determine useful life.
UseUseful life – Number of years asset will depreciate
Dep. PostedYear-to-date depreciation for current fiscal year