Attention: PaymentWorks Vendor Portal Implementation
PaymentWorks has been selected to manage Purdue’s vendor information through a cloud based vendor portal. The implemenation will take about four weeks and is scheduled to be completed by the end of March. What is a vendor portal and how will it impact you? Checkout the PaymentWorks Vendor Portal Resources page for more information.

Employment Centers
The Employment Centers are staffed by individuals who specialize in onboarding and offboarding employees, ensuring individuals are paid correctly and on time and assisting with a variety of human resource issues impacting payroll and appointments. Individuals are divided into teams that support the academic and administrative units across campus. Find your specialist and frequently accessed employment resources through the “learn more” link below.
Learn More
Executive Offices Business Office Center(EOBOC)
The EOBOC is managed through the Business Operations team and supports a variety of administative and academic units. Links to other operations centers can be found in the directories located on the Procurement/Travel and Employment Center resource pages.
Floater Staff
Finance “floater” staff provide support and/or additional coverage for operations centers and business offices experiencing turnover, extended leaves of absences &/or periods of high volume. Areas of expertise include payroll, procurement and account management. The Director of Business Operations and Administration manages the floater positions. A floater assignment can be requested using the request form below. After the form is submitted you will be contacted for additional information.
Floater Request Form
Purchasing Centers
The Purchasing Centers are comprised of individuals who specialize in purchasing and accounts payable. Individuals are divided into teams that support the academic and administrative units across campus. Find your specialist and frequently accessed procurement resources through the “learn more” link below.
Learn More
Purdue Research Foundation
The Purdue Research Foundation is a private, nonprofit foundation created to advance the mission of Purdue University. Among other duties, the foundation accepts and administers gifts made to campus units in their School Discretionary and Institutional Program funds. (SDIP) funds are unrestricted charitable contributions made by alumni, friends, corporations, staff, and faculty for use by the receiving units. Forms and guidelines can be found on the Procurement Center page.

Subject Matter Experts
Subject Matter Experts, also known as SME’s, are individuals that hold deep knowledge or expertise in a specific area and serve as a resource to others, advising on process issues and changes or developing training. Within the Finance team groups of SME’s play an integral role in developing many of the processes and standards that are in place today. A list of current teams and link will be added to this site when available.

TDX Resources
The Purdue Service Portal Resources page contains video tutorials and links to references created to help
orient center customers to the new TDX forms and functionality.