Finance Email Lists
Moderated Finance Email Lists
The Email Lists outlined below are moderated communication channels that can be utilized to communicate items of interest to the target audiences. Email List messages should not duplicate Business@Purdue messages unless unit specific guidance is being passed along.
Senders are encouraged to send advance copies to the moderator for review before submitting, but messages can also be sent directly to the email list address. Messages are usually approved within 1-2 hours of submission. If immediate release is required, senders are asked to notify the moderators via the Teams Chat function.
Ongoing maintenance of the lists is the responsibility of the list coordinators and are updated as shown below.
List Name
Update Cycle
Email Address
Purchasing Operation Center Leaders and Center Staff
Primary: Beutel Backup: Mickle
Shannon Williams
Refresh monthly by Williams with Center Leads
Payroll Operation Center Leaders and Center Staff
Primary: Beutel Backup: Mickle
Shannon Williams
Refresh monthly by Williams with Center Leads
Finance Management Professional Staff
All exempt staff in the Finance organization
Primary: Delworth Backup: Mickle
Rita Jackson
Refresh biweekly by Jackson with Cognos data
Finance Support Staff
All nonexempt staff in the Finance organization
Primary: Delworth Backup: Mickle
Rita Jackson
Refresh biweekly by Jackson with Cognos data
Business Operations
Senior Directors, their direct reports, ADFA’s, leads in SPS and Regionals
Primary: Mickle Backup: Delworth
Rita Jackson
Refresh monthly by Jackson with Senior Directors
Unit Leads
Members support a VP or Dean, also includes the Senior Directors
Primary: Delworth Backup: Mickle
Shannon Williams
Refresh monthly by Williams with Senior Directors.
Business Management
Business Office staff including DFA/ADFA/BM/RAS and Business Assistants. Senior Directors who supervise business management staff.
Primary: Mickle
Backup: Delworth
Backup: Delworth
Rita Jackson
Refresh biweekly by Jackson with Cognos data
List Name | Audience | Moderators | Coordinator | Update Cycle | Email Address |
OpC-Purch | Purchasing Operation Center Leaders and Center Staff | Primary: Beutel Backup: Mickle | Shannon Williams | Refresh monthly by Williams with Center Leads | |
OpC-Pay | Payroll Operation Center Leaders and Center Staff | Primary: Beutel Backup: Mickle | Shannon Williams | Refresh monthly by Williams with Center Leads | |
Finance Management Professional Staff | All exempt staff in the Finance organization | Primary: Delworth Backup: Mickle | Rita Jackson | Refresh biweekly by Jackson with Cognos data | |
Finance Support Staff | All nonexempt staff in the Finance organization | Primary: Delworth Backup: Mickle | Rita Jackson | Refresh biweekly by Jackson with Cognos data | |
Business Operations | Senior Directors, their direct reports, ADFA’s, leads in SPS and Regionals | Primary: Mickle Backup: Delworth | Rita Jackson | Refresh monthly by Jackson with Senior Directors | |
Unit Leads | Members support a VP or Dean, also includes the Senior Directors | Primary: Delworth Backup: Mickle | Shannon Williams | Refresh monthly by Williams with Senior Directors. | |
Business Management | Business Office staff including DFA/ADFA/BM/RAS and Business Assistants. Senior Directors who supervise business management staff. | Primary: Mickle Backup: Delworth | Rita Jackson | Refresh biweekly by Jackson with Cognos data | |