Finance Processes and Procedures

The below training materials were originally created for the finance transformation project and upgrade to SAP S4 Hana in July 2018. The project was completed in January 2019 with the upgrade to SuccessFactors.

The below materials continue to be updated. The materials are organized by business process or function.

The Governance Manual is the primary source of truth and outlines the financial structure, including detailed information in regards to funded program type, department account classification and even common commitment items.    The following presentations were used to introduce the new structure:

Journal Vouchers Quick Reference

FV50 is used to transfer funds between departments.
Outlines the steps required to approve FV50 transactions, such as reviewing back-up documentation.
Provides directions on how to display documents and attach documentation. This transaction is used to provide supporting documentation for ZV60 and FV50.
FV50 – Create Journal EntryFV50 is used to transfer funds between departments.
FV50 Approvals and WorkflowOutlines the steps required to approve FV50 transactions, such as reviewing back-up documentation.
FB03 – Attachments and WorkflowProvides directions on how to display documents and attach documentation. This transaction is used to provide supporting documentation for ZV60 and FV50.

Master Data (Create/Add) Quick Reference

Business Managers, Assistant DFA and DFAs can add elements to a node within the work breakdown structure (WBS). This is helpful with faculty allocations.
Business Managers, Assistant DFA and DFAs can request new internal orders.
CJ02 – Add Element to Work Breakdown Structure WBSBusiness Managers, Assistant DFA and DFAs can add elements to a node within the work breakdown structure (WBS). This is helpful with faculty allocations.
KO01 – Create Internal Order QRGBusiness Managers, Assistant DFA and DFAs can request new internal orders.

Planning Quick References

This quick reference also links to the upload template used to create plans for the WBS.
Use Tcode CJR2 to create or edit one plan at a time.
This quick reference defines how to create a plan for an internal order.
Create a Plan Using the Plan Upload Template (WBSE)This quick reference also links to the upload template used to create plans for the WBS.
Create or Edit a Plan Using Tcode CJR2Use Tcode CJR2 to create or edit one plan at a time.
Create a Plan in SAP (IO)This quick reference defines how to create a plan for an internal order.

Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable business processes and procedures have been migrated to the Accounts Payable Resources page.

Accounts Receivable

The below documentation relates to invoice processing through the FI-AR (Accounts Receivables) SAP module AR 101 – FIAR is an online course outlining the steps an invoicing department will perform. Access to the accounts receivable role or module is limited. 

Business Partner References:  
Invoicing Department References: FI_AR_INV – Reprinting  Customer Invoice
Business Partner References:  
Invoicing Department References: FBL5N – Display Customer Line Items
Business Partner References:  
Invoicing Department References: FBL5N Report Field Descriptions
Business Partner References:  
Invoicing Department References: FD10N – Customer Balance Display
Business ProcessBusiness Partner ReferencesInvoicing Department References
FIAR Invoice ProcessBP – Search for Business Partner Record – CustomerZAR_UPLOAD – Creating Customer Invoices Using Upload Program
 FI_AR_INV – Reprinting  Customer Invoice
 FBL5N – Display Customer Line Items
 FBL5N Report Field Descriptions
 FD10N – Customer Balance Display

Approvals and Workflow

Provides instruction on how to validate and verify documentation and approve or reject. Approvals are rejected when edits are required. 
Provides instructions for the ZV60 approvals and workflow processes.
Displays which position is assigned as an approver for the indicated fund center, business area or level.
Provides instruction on how to create substitutes.
FV50 Approvals and WorkflowProvides instruction on how to validate and verify documentation and approve or reject. Approvals are rejected when edits are required. 
ZV60 Approvals and WorkflowProvides instructions for the ZV60 approvals and workflow processes.
Viewing SAP Fiscal Approver TableDisplays which position is assigned as an approver for the indicated fund center, business area or level.
Setting Substitute ApproversProvides instruction on how to create substitutes.

Signature Delegation

Signature Delegation business process and procedures is now located in the Governance Manual. Signature Delegation training modules can be accessed through Success Factors.

Purdue Research Foundation (PRF-SDIP)

School Discretionary and Institutional Program (SDIP) funds are unrestricted charitable contributions made by alumni, friends, corporations, staff, and faculty for use by the receiving units. These contributions are donated to fund expenditures that will enhance program and departmental missions, goals and objectives within the unit designated by the donor and are held by the Purdue Research Foundation (PRF). Units can request disbursements of the funds into university accounts to fund university activities. These disbursements are made on a biweekly basis via Automatic Clearing House (ACH) transactions. To request a disbursement of funds from their units PRF SDIP account, units should complete the Discretionary Fund Request form below:

Questions can be directed to

Asset Management

The below documentation relates to how locate assets, change equipment status, location or funding source. Assets Showcase

AS 101 Presentation

Asset Details (Transaction AS03): Access Asset Details
Electronic Form:  
Asset Details (Transaction AS03): Access Asset Details – Using Serial Number
Electronic Form:  
Asset Details (Transaction AS03): AS03 – Asset Module Field Details
Asset Details (Transaction AS03): AS03 – Locate History of an Asset
Electronic FormAsset Details (Transaction AS03)
Electronic Form SubmissionAccess Asset Details
Electronic Form SAP Tables Access Asset Details – Multiple Funding Resources
 Access Asset Details – Using Serial Number
 AS03 – Asset Module Field Details
AS03 – Locate History of an Asset

Finance Launchpad (SAP S4 Fiori)

SAP Basics and Navigation (NAV 100)
An online course introducing SAP Fiori and demonstrating basic navigation – LMS 1027
SAP Basics and Navigation (NAV 100)An online course introducing SAP Fiori and demonstrating basic navigation – LMS 1027

Grants Management

The Pre Auditor presentation and training resources can now be found on the Training Materials page.