Assessing the Impact of an NSF-Funded Sustainability-Focused Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) John Martinson Honors College Research Programs Fall 2024 Accepted engineering, entrepreneurship, renewable energy, sustainability Sustainability refers to the ability to maintain or endure a system or process over the long term without depleting its resources or causing harm to the environment, society, or economy. Sustainability and entrepreneurship are interconnected concepts that both aim to create positive change and value in society, via innovation, problem-solving, long-term thinking, risk-taking, adaptability, collaboration, and value creation. This research project will analyze data and disseminate findings resulting from undergraduate student participation in an NSF REU Site program (Growing Entrepreneurially-Minded Undergraduate Researchers with New Product Development in Applied Energy). This REU Site is unique in that it focuses on sustainability topics of renewable energy, engineering, and entrepreneurship. Learn more here: Lisa B Bosman Lisa B Bosman Student intern(s) will be expected to analyze data, conduct a mini lit review, create a poster, and present the poster at the Purdue Undergraduate Research Symposium. No prior research experience required. Student intern(s) should be available to meet weekly. Student intern(s) should plan to dedicate about 5-10 hours per week working independently on the project. Accountability and time management skills are really important. 0 5 (estimated)