ISF: Catalytic water treatment processes DUIRI - Discovery Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Research Internship Spring 2025 Accepted Membrane science, environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, chemistry, species transport, materials science Water pollution is a significant concern in many countries and requires innovative technologies to tackle them. Many pollutants hazardous to human health, including pesticides, fluoropolymers, and pathogens, can be broken down into their constituent minerals through photocatalysis. However, existing membranes need substantially improved UV light utilization and penetration for real-world use. We are working on consistently-sized nanostructures near the wavelengths of UV light to control light and enhance the performance of novel photocatalytic membranes. Furthermore, our group works on separation technologies to remove Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The team is pursuing multiple projects to explore batch reverse osmosis, nanofabricated membranes, light-driven reactions, artificial intelligence control algorithms, and thermodynamic optimization of energy systems. David E M Warsinger David E M Warsinger The student who joins this lab will be expected to attend weekly lab meetings and sub-group meetings. This project seeks students who possess chemistry knowledge and a preliminary understanding of membrane sciences. The student's primary involvement will be in fabricating new membranes, characterization , and design experiments for testing the technologies. In addition to the required skills mentioned above, applicants with additional experience with some of the following programs are preferred: Python, Adobe Illustrator and CAD tools. The student will be expected to give weekly progress updates . The student should also be eager to collaborate with other researchers outside of mechanical engineering to draw from a broad range of expertise in pursuing our research goals. - Some background in prototype development/manufacturing will be useful. - Hands on experience in conducting experiments in the lab - Experience with python/MATLAB will be useful for assisting inside projects related to the technology we are developing. - Students should have a strong interest in experimental research, motivation to pursue research problems related to air purification to tackle future pandemics. 3 12 (estimated)
This project is not currently accepting applications.