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September 20, 2011

Top News

Purdue president to chair Smithsonian Board of Regents

The Smithsonian Board of Regents on Monday (Sept. 19) elected Purdue President France A. Córdova as its chair, effective January 2012. Córdova has been a member of the Smithsonian board since 2009. Read more...

In the spotlight

Purdue Profiles: Judy Jacobi

Purdue Profiles:
Judy Jacobi

Growing up in New York City, Judy Jacobi was introduced to the world of theater, music, visual arts and literature early on and has been cultivating her knowledge and passion for arts ever since. Now as assistant vice chancellor for marketing and campus relations at Purdue North Central, Jacobi she shares her enthusiasm for the arts with the campus community. Read more...


Featured News for Employees

President's Forum planned for Sept. 28

The year's first President's Forum will be held 9-10:30 a.m. Sept. 28 in the South Ballroom of Purdue Memorial Union. The forum will focus on goals for the coming year, with special emphasis on the Decadal Funding Plan. This forum originally was scheduled for Wednesday (Sept. 21). The forum will be webcast via Windows Media live stream at mms://

CSSAC gavel pass Sept. 13. 2011

CSSAC opens year, discusses presidential search

Ebony Barrett-Kennedy became chair and six new members began their terms on the Clerical and Service Staff Advisory Committee for 2011-12 on Sept. 13 during the group's meeting. Read more...

New Hansen research supercomputer activated; capacity still available to faculty

Purdue's latest supercomputer, called Hansen, is ready to run jobs from faculty researchers studying topics ranging from the spread of contaminants on airliners to the spread of warmer temperatures on the Earth. Capacity in the Hansen cluster is still available to interested faculty. Read more...


General News

Purdue urges involvement in Emergency Preparedness Day

Purdue police, fire and emergency preparedness officials will fill Memorial Mall on Thursday (Sept. 22) to promote safety awareness. Read more...

Institute has awarded more than $10,000 to student veterans' groups

The Military Family Research Institute at Purdue awarded more than $10,000 to six Indiana student veterans' organizations that are helping student service members and veterans successfully transition to higher education settings. Read more...

Imprelis herbicide banned from sale, use in Indiana

The Office of Indiana State Chemist, based at Purdue, has banned the sale, distribution and use of Imprelis in the state after investigating hundreds of complaints and finding that the herbicide was responsible for damage to trees and ornamental plants. Read more...


Purdue Sports

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This week's events
Events for the next four weeks

Purdue Convocations to present free outdoor event featuring 'Australia's Strange Fruit'

KJV Bible's 400th year to be marked by talks, performance

Confucius Institute to host 'Amazing China: A Cultural Entertainment'

First 'Apprentice' winner to speak at Purdue on ethics, values


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