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January 17, 2012

In the spotlight

Purdue Profiles:
Pat Springer

As graduate records manager for the Graduate School Records team, Pat Springer oversees operations relating to graduate student records from first registration through graduation. In more than 25 years, she has authorized more than 35,000 graduate degrees and certificates. Read more...


Featured News for Employees

Second cohort named for IMPACT program

The first 10 faculty fellows in the University's new IMPACT program put their redesigned courses to the test fall semester. In January, a second group, this one with 27 participants –- working solo or in teams -- representing courses from introduction to nursing to linear circuit analysis, will begin the process of adapting their courses. Read more...

Nominations sought for Roberts, Ross awards

Nominations are being accepted for the Flora Roberts Award (outstanding senior woman) and G.A. Ross Award (outstanding senior man) for 2012. Read more...

Focus Award nominations for disability efforts invited

The Office of Institutional Equity is seeking nominations for the 2012 Focus Awards. Read more...

Hadley presentation to focus on strategies for success

The 2012 Richard A. Hadley APSAC Professional Development Series presentation on Feb. 15 will help employees learn how to develop their own potential. Read more...

WorkLife offerings cover chronic conditions, nutrition, parent/family matters

Checking out the WorkLife Programs classes coming up in the next few weeks, then registering and attending, can lead to some valuable information for one's total well-being. Read more...

This week's 'Thumbs Up' recipients

"Thumbs Up" gives faculty and staff the chance to recognize others on campus for a job well done. Read more...

* Purdue Today would like to hear about those people whose hard work and commitment contribute to the success of the University as well as make Purdue a wonderful environment within which to work. To submit an item for "Thumbs Up," click here.


General News

Purdue highlighted in BTN 'Impact the World' series

A new television series is featuring ways Big Ten universities are improving lives nationwide and worldwide, and a segment featuring Purdue's Gebisa Ejeta is schedule to debut tonight (Jan. 17). A segment featuring Purdue space rocket research is to debut Jan. 24. Read more...



Appointments, honors and activities

Here is a list of recent appointments and honors for faculty, staff and students. Read more...


Purdue Sports

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This week's events
Events for the next four weeks


Sites of interest

Momentum Makers
Difference Makers
5 Students Who ...


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